[APP][Pro] Roborock Vacuum Cleaners

Thanks for making this super app. I finally took the time to fix this yesterday and the extraction app worked after trying about five times. After that it was very straightforward.

Youā€™re welcome! Did you install the test version? And which device do you own?

Mini issue Iā€™ve discovered after some more testing: the flow below does not seem to do anything for my S6 Pure, even after a couple of times cleaning.

I can see all my cleaning history in the Xiaomi app so not a big problem, just thought youā€™d like to know :wink: .

Iā€™m getting a lot of errors on flows triggered that he canā€™t find, but couldnā€™t find the source of it. This could be it. Iā€™ll do some testing and error logging on it and fix it. Thanks for letting me know!

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Tried it for the S8, works like charm :slight_smile: .

Some thoughts about extra options, any chance to add the status for the sensors? And a card to choose a room, set the vacuum and mop intensity and how many time it should be cleaning?

Can anyone tell me if I lose all my maps created by the robot when I switch from Roborock app to Xiaomi app to get my token?

You lose all your maps created by the robot when you switch from Roborock app to Xiaomi app.

hey Danny,

after switching apps do you have to rebuild everything? like apple shortcuts, maps, nog go zones etc? or does the robot store (some) of these?

thank you!

Hi @Justin ,

I think I found another small bug.

The above flow card does not seem to work for me at all.

Whatever I select in Homey, the Roborock does give the little ping to confirm something has changed (so itā€™s doing something?), but it always stays on ā€œbalancedā€ in the Xiaomi app for me (and I can hear the Roborock only changes when I use the app to change vacuum power).

Not a big deal for me because I just leave it at maximum most of the time, but just so you know there seems to be a problem with vacuum power selection for my model (S6 Pure).

Hey @Joost_Kelderman, only seen your question now.

Yes, I had to rebuild everything based on the Xiaomi app. Nothing was stored on the Robot itself.

I took it as a opportunity organise my flows etc more efficiently.


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I have the Q Revo model. I have created a flow that raises window blinds from the ground before the robot start moping/vacuuming. I have used the following card to set the window blinds back to the original position once the robot is done.


However the flow is also triggered every time the robot goes back to the dock to refill the water tank for mopping.

Should I be using a different card?

In addition, the current flow is also triggered if I start the robot on a different floor (which doesnā€™t have a docking station).

How can i organise the flow that it only triggers the flow for the blinds when the robot cleans on the ground floor and not the 1st or 2nd floor?

Thanks for any tips/advice


Hi there,
I would like to buy the ā€˜Roborock S7 max ultraā€™ but i want to be sure it is supported in the Homey-app. It only mentions ā€˜S7ā€™. Does it work?
Thanks in advance!

I can confirm I have the Roborock S7 Max Ultra Robot. And it works

I donā€™t think connecting Roborock/Xiaomi with Homey is a really good idea (at least not for me). The extracting of the token is not really easy and involves almost a light form of hacking. After you get the key there is no guaranty that it keeps working, because with every change in your setup (new wifi, updates etc) the key is renewed and you have to start all over againā€¦ So i choose for another brand.

Iā€™ve been using Roborock and Homey combi for 4 years now, S7 and S5. Has been working with 1 token extraction per device :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll dig into this later on! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for sharing, good to hear!

Same here. I have been using the app with an S5 Max and a Q Revo.
Both models just required one token extraction and they have received multiple firmware updates since without breaking any of my flows

Thanks for adding the Q-revo, I have found the token but when trying to install the device in Homey I get all the time ā€œFout bij het verbinding makenā€ ip-adress and token seems to be correct.
Thanks for your assistance ā€¦

Edit: I havent completed resetted my Q-revo, just reset WIFI and connect to the MI app, so not sure if thatā€™s maybe the reason

Hi, Iā€™m having som issues adding my Roborock S7 to my Homey. I usually uses the Roborock app to control my vacuum cleaner, but as I understand this app I need the Xiaomi Home app to extract the token and IP-adress. I registered an account there, but when I try to enter the login information from this app in the ā€œGet_MiHome_devices_tokenā€ (Releases Ā· Maxmudjon/Get_MiHome_devices_token Ā· GitHub), I only get this error. Se attached image.
This happens on every server I choose. Is there another way to get this token and IP?

The Method 2 in the description looks like some heavy programming for a newbie as me :slight_smile: