[APP][Pro] Roborock Vacuum Cleaners


Because of the rewrite the devices are changed. It is nescesary to re-add your device in order to make it work. There’s no work around, this needs to be done to be able to cleanup code and make the app more stable.

I understand that this will be a struggle for most users, sorry for that.

Please let me know what your test results are. I’m also monitoring crashes and errors.

I install it.
I lost all my flows. I made them again and try to clean some rooms… all works great.
Thank you.

S6 MAX V user here… if i understand correctly, i have to switch to the xiaomi app and lose the functionallity of the camera?

Thanks @Justin for the work you are doing on the app.

I am a Q Revo user and happy to test an updated version of the app with my device.
When do you expect to add the Q Revo?


Test version with all of the latest models is now online. I do not own them (I only own a S7) soo I can’t really test if it works.

Please let me know. The new version is online as test:

By the way; if you migrate to this app version you will need to re-add devices as mentioned above. Once done, you do not have to change it again once this version is really released.

Hi Justin,

I’d like to run tests with this model, but when I read about the Android token extraction stuff the other week I stopped reading, I’m way too lazy for that.
But, I will try again
(Already mentioned here, but at the moment I have it paired on HA with just my user account, 1 minute of work).

Soo… after half an hour of reading the Andriod ‘token how to’, which was too complicated for me (read: too much effort), I later on found and used the python script of the tool by PiotrMachowski, mentioned in post #6, which was less than a minute of work before it spit out my token :stuck_out_tongue:

:partying_face: The S6 maxV is paired with Homey now, with app v2.0.0.
It seems to work fine, Justin. Besides manual operation, I fired all flow cards as well, with success!

Oh, I also wondered, do I get extra points for my app picture remake? :grin::wink:

Users can use this very neat script to fix their flows, and replace similar flowcards in one go :


The main reason why I wish to add a dedicated manual for everything… There’s a similar tool (windows/mac) noted in the most top posts that contains the how-to manual about this app. Back in the days token extraction was a %#£¥, but it’s pretty easy today.

As mentioned on your previous post; I don’t think Homey can use the same method used in Home Assistant because of limitations and the HA app does not support S5 models (which in Homey is about 22% of devices installed currently).
This, in combination with how easy it is to get the token, drives me towards using this method of communication.

It just needs a better documentation. I receive e-mails on daily basis with ‘how do I …….’

Last but not least; my app store icon has changed and that changed image is added to the newest test version, which makes me believe that you’re running the current unstable live version. Please install the update, how more testers how more errors and ofcourse how more fixes.

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Which makes me thinking; maybe a token extraction using your Xiaomi credentials inside the Homey app might be a idea.

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Even if extracting the token is pretty straight forward, you still need to have the robot connected to the Xiaomi app. Now, when you mention that it might be possible to add the extraction from within your Homey-app, couldn’t the first step be to select “Roborock” or “Xiaomi” account? If “Roborock” maybe the extraction process from the Home-assistant could be reused?

I understand where you’re going to with this, but sadly; no.

I have not reviewed his coding but looking at the explanation and documentation I think he reversed-engineered the command given to the Roborock over the private network and implemented this into his code. You need to install a extra library over SSH on your Raspberry, which Homey does not allow (well, for “simple users”, which use the app most of the time) and you need to open ports which also can’t be done by simple users.

The token communication that I use myself will be easy to use for 100% of the users that use Homey. When using a Xiaomi built-in token finder it’s even easier. The only downside is using the Xiaomi app over the Roborock app, but it’s giving way more advantages to do something about this.

Ah, got it! Thanks for explaining :+1:t2:

Too bad, than this app is not a option for me :frowning:

I use the camera very often to check why its stuck and navigate it.

:man_shrugging:t3: choices …

Installed the newest test version and replaced the “old” device with a dedicated S6 Pure device, and everything seems to work great so far!
I feel like my Roborock responds faster now, but that might just be my imagination :joy:.

Amazing work @Justin, thanks!

It would not surprise me though. There is way less code used to achieve the same goal. That does not always result in faster processing, but it COULD be.

Thanks for testing!

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Thanks @Justin.

I was able to add my Q Revo and initiate a cleaning cycle through a flow in Homey.
When I select the flow card ‘‘Start Vacuuming’’ it starts a cycle with vacuuming and mopping.
Is there a way to only start a Vacuum cycle without mopping?

That is very great to hear. It’s the last model in line, soo I suppose the other Q versions won’t have problems neither. Thank you very much for sharing your results.

I guess these newer models always initiate a “mopping” when starting to clean, specially since they always have fresh water on board. Try disabling the mopping with the flow card “mop intensity”, will this work? Maybe set it 5 seconds after the cleaning round starts.

Today, like 4 hours ago (soo let’s say 1600 / 4PM (Gmt+1)) there were a lot of errors created on the test version, which I can’t figure out where exactly.

Has anybody encountered any crashes?

Yup, I ran v2.0.0, and I just installed v2.1.3. Tested and tested all flowcards OK.

Oh, I also preferred to run the mobile Roborock app b/c of the live view. But in my case it was fun to watch for 3 times, my vac doesn’t get stuck, so no problems here to switch over to the Xiaomi Mi app.