[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

You can use the tigger card ‘new prices received’. It provides a JSON tag with all the new prices. And it does that within a few minutes after they are published by ENTSOE (so usually some minutes past 13hrs).

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I’m using that trigger card. It just fired an hour late when I asked that question. Worked fine in the following days.

How do you know when the prices are published? Do you poll regularly?

Every hour, just after a whole hour. And once on app (re)start.

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Change the tariff update group number in battery monitor settings to the number of the tariff group of you dap device (I assume you configured that already). I see it is now on 4.

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But you are still waiting between 0-30 minutes before fetching the data, so it’s not actually on the whole hour right?

com.gruijter.powerhour/drivers/generic_dap_device.js at e29038f82f6fd488a54ae2bed06a04cf966a0816 · gruijter/com.gruijter.powerhour (github.com)

That is an old comment. Fetching is done between 2 and 10 minutes after the full hour.
this.fetchDelay = (Math.random() * 8 * 60 * 1000) + (1000 * 60 * 2);

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I’m now using the flow card to catch the 2 lowest hours before 15:00.
Screenshot 2023-11-11 at 6.46.17

Could there be a cards for N lowest hours today before HH o'clock?

Can you explain the use case?
And: 12 hrs before 15oclock already is today. So what are you missing?

Well since midnight it would be missing the first three hours. And the maximum is 12 for the hour before value.

I have an outdoor spa which I keep in “resting mode” when not been used, meaning that no heating is done except never going below 10 degrees.

To bring to “ready mode”, I would like to bring prepare the spa temp while using the cheapest hours before 15.00. Final heating to bathing temperature is then done somewhere between 15.00-18.00, no mater what the price is.

New version 5.8.1 is ready for testing: https://homey.app/a/com.gruijter.powerhour/test/

  • Fixed PriceIs flowcards sorting function.
  • Extended lowest/highest before period to 23 hrs max.
  • homey-api@3.0.27.

Thanks @staeff for fixing some of the flowcards!

@OH2TH Please test this version. I extended the existing flowcards so you can fill in 23 hours before now.


I couldn’t get the virtual device to work, still no idea why, I must be doing something wrong?

But then I found this:

And it seems to measure the total panel yield correctly without the need to create a virtual device.

But weirdly it doesn’t have a daily reset enabled. Is it measuring watt’s in this case? Or an aggregated Homey solar yield of some kind? Because the measuring in the “zonnepanelen” app is still only showing daily values.

So I don’t know how it works right now, but it works :nerd_face:.

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Yes it is.

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Thank you for your kind words about this awesome app.

I have a small concern since my invoices are issued on the 14th of each month. Is it possible to choose a specific day for the monthly resets and counters to accurately reflect the invoice for the month?


Yes. See advanced settings. So if you want the contract date to start on the 14th of January, fill in 1401.

Nice, thank you :slight_smile:

Running and extended period works.


  • Price has changed triggers twice on the hour.

And now I realised that what would be the best trigger in my use case would be

  • The avg. price next hours is lowest before time o’clock

new version 5.8.2 available for testing: Power by the Hour | Homey

  • Added flow card Avg price is lowest before (@OH2TH please test!)
  • Reduced price fetching spread.
  • Reduced app footprint.

I have a strange question, I read everything and couldn’t find it. I’m trying to learn a bit slowly now and would like to know the following: How I can see what the lowest energy price is today (I have a dynamic contract) and I would like to receive a message at 9:00 am with the lowest price information ( and what time that is).

I’m sure it’s very easy to make, but I can’t figure it out. And would still like to learn it. (sorry, I have to ask in English)

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You can create a flow that triggers at 9am. As THEN card you send a message to yourself. In the message you put the tags for lowest price and lowest hour. Use the search bar to find the tags by name from the (very) long list.

I took a look but there are still many options that I can set. Which one should I use then? There are so many choices in lowest price that I can choose and if I am right here, what amounts should I enter? I don’t just find lower price and lowest hour. I’ll probably do something really stupid now.

Look, I do have this list of my Solar Plan information: