[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

New version 5.8.0 is ready for testing Power by the Hour | Homey

  • Fixed Gas DAP (please check @EdNL )
  • Fixed Gas summarizer for ZTATZ (please check @anon61197305)
  • homey-api@3.0.25.

Fixing the Gas DAP was a PITA, so I hope it is fixed for a while to come…

There are two Gas Summerizer devices now.

The first one is added, migrated and still empty.
The second one is added, migrated and also empty.

Edit: now I have data! Yay!

I tried to add a new Power Summarizer device (HOMEY_ENERGY_DEVICE_Σpower), that just displayed 0kWh all the time. Which makes sense if my understanding is correct since my devices don’t report kWh usage but just Watt. But when I change the setting to “Use Watt as source” the device just shows an error “Source device is missing.”, am I misunderstanding something here and I need to do things differently or is this a bug? I also tried the current test version, but also doesn’t fix this.


EDIT: Ok turns out that it just showed 0 because of how little kWh a few lamps produce, after letting it run for some time it seems to be correct. Still a bit confused about the “Use Watt as source” option though.

At what time are the electricity prices usually updated? Today the Austrian prices for tomorrow were generally available shortly after 13:00, but updated in Homey at 14:04.

Hi @Gruijter
It is working now, thank you :slight_smile:

But I have a little problem to get the correct price. It have to be (today 07-11) 116,24 cent. And when I put the information to get it, in the app, I get an other price. I don’t know what I do wrong.

I do something wrong, but I don’t know what.
Zonneplan Price: 1,1624 euro
My price in the app: 1,644 euro

This is the correct price today:
Scherm­afbeelding 2023-11-07 om 08.46.57

This is what I have put in the App:

This is how I get it:

The fixed markup you enter in PBTH must have BTW included.

So, according to the info you provided:
(0,48980 + 0,08) x 1,21 = 0,689458

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Thank you @Gruijter
When I do that, I get 1.1792 and it is 1.1624 (from Zonneplan)

I use TTF_EGSI, is this correct?

Zonneplan gas:

Komt precies op 1.1624 uit.

As far as I can see from the source code the fetching of new data happens at a random point of time once an hour. And when the prices are available on the APIs (entsoe/nordpool) potentially could also have a bit of an delay. So after 15:00 you probably should always have tomorrows prices, but before that its’s not guaranteed to have been updated/published yet.

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Het bedrag dat jij geeft @Torch1969, klopt. Het bedrag, dat ik van @Gruijter kreeg klopt niet. Daar zat de fout in. Bedankt voor de hulp!

I have another question and hope someone can help me with it.

On the topic: CEMM CEDEL Energyverbruik manager
I have a question that I can’t figure out. Someone has already helped me a lot on that topic, but I am still stuck with one last piece. This contains a Power by the Hour flow that I need to create. But I don’t know how and I hope someone can help me here. What matters is this, can anyone help me?

I have a question that I can’t figure out. Someone has already helped me a lot on that topic, but I am still stuck with one last piece.

and this is the result:
Scherm­afbeelding 2023-11-08 om 12.44.57

This contains a Power by the Hour flow that I need to create. But I don’t know how and I hope someone can help me here. What matters is this, can anyone help me?


This is because @Gruijter calculated 21% btw over this amount, but because this 21% is also a separate factor, that way it is calculated twice. Nonetheless great you have the right amount now :grinning:.

I based this on the info supplied by Ed:

In PBTH the % entered in advanced settings is not calculated over the fixed amount. So BTW should be added manually before entering the fixed markup.
But it seems the info from Zonneplan is incorrect. Doesnt matter. Torch got the right number.


Thanks for the info. I wonder if I can somehow influence that to get the prices as soon as possible.

Background of this is, that I control the charging/discharging behaviour of my PV battery based on the electricity prices, and in winter PV yield is quite low compared to consumption and the hour from 13:00 to 14:00 is often one of the cheapest hours. On the day I asked the question, I received the prices shortly after 14:00 and - as Murphy’s law predicted - it turned out based on tomorrows prices then, that if would be best to charge the battery with all the PV yield and cover consumption purely from the grid between 13:00 and 14:00. :grin:

@CaptainVoni depending on your technical knowledge you could write some HomeyScript which tries to pull the data every 5 minutes from one of the apis yourself and then act depending on that.

For example originally I queried the Awattar API for Austria, but I switched to PBTH since they show the same prices.


Just a heads up for everyone who is using some of the “Price is lowest…”/“Price is highest…” When-triggers. Those currently don’t work correctly if any of your prices are bigger than 1 or negative.

I have submitted a PR to fix this, but just in case anyone is wondering why the flows are triggering at a time when the price is actually not the cheapest/highest.

Fix sort of prices for priceIs... functions by stefan-schweiger · Pull Request #154 · gruijter/com.gruijter.powerhour (github.com)

Hi all,

I’m using this amazing app to get an overview of my energy consumption, and it works quite nicely:

(showing daily values)

As you can see in the image above, I’m also trying to visualize the total solar yield (“opbrengst”) of my recently installed solar panels, but I can’t seem to get the value right.

I’m using the zonnepanelen app to integrate my solar panels with Homey trough the “Enphase Enlighten” device:

What I’m doing is using a virtual device that I update when the above “Energie-opwek vandaag” changes:

What I’ve also done is check the daily reset box, because “Energie-opwek vandaag” resets to 0 every day:

I’ve checked insights and I’m seeing really weird and seemingly random values for daily and total yield:

I would expect that the purple and the blue graph are the same here, but they’re totally different somehow.

What I’m trying to do is get my total solar yield:

(“Geproduceerd” in the image above) into Homey, preferably by using the Power by the Hour app :grin:.

I’m probably missing something super obvious, so sorry in advance :melting_face:.

Any idea what I’m doing wrong?
Or is there a different way I can make this work?

Thanks for the help!

Hello and thank you for this great app.

I’m trying to use the Home Battery Monitor, but it doesnt have the same settings as Energy Summarize.

Since in charging and discharging my battery everyday I want to see how much money I save, with the help of PBTH.

  • How do I change the currency?
  • Is the tariff only updated once a month?


  • Since I (here in Sweden) have hourly changed electricity-prices I want my Home Battery Monitor to update the tariff every hour.
  • Also I would like to change € Kr.

Home Battery Device:

Or is there any other ways?

I already do that to get my monthly feed-in tariff, but I want to rely as much as possible on builtin functionality. It was my main reason for Homey and e.g. against Home assistant.

PBTH is a community app so I wouldn’t exactly describe it as “builtin functionality” :smile: From what I have been able to gather from the source code the reason that this is done this way is to not run into API rate limiting (and probably also not waste your Homeys resources).

That said I don’t think it’s currently possible purely through PBTH, so your options are:

  • Make a detailed feature request what you expect PBTH to do differently and hope that someone will implement it
  • Implement the functionality yourself in a way that it’s beneficial for everyone and create a PR
  • Fork the project, implement the functionality in a hacky way and just install it for yourself (with the cli and homey app install)
  • Create some scripts which query the API
  • Live with the status quo