[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

@Arnold_vd_Linden I can’t reproduce this on gas summarizer. So it looks like something spooky in your device. Maybe restart of app solves this?

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Maybe I wasn’t clear with my question: I need the number of hours for which electricity prices are known in a flow. How to do that in a flow?

There is a known issue with homey app with the new note fields. Enter some text (one space is already good) in the note field (bottom of your screenshot) before saving.


Thank you @tlangelaar
That did the trick to get it working again :grinning:

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This get it solved [APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year - #1801 by tlangelaar

Thank you.

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I have a probably simple question, but I can’t figure out how to do it.

I have a fibaro wallplug that allows me to measure the consumption of a machine.

I have a bi-hourly electricity meter, so I would like to be able to identify the number of kwh day and night. It is not the change in the tariff that interests me but the amount of kwh on the least.

I’d have to be able to calculate separately :

  • kWh consumed from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • kWh consumed from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.

I can’t find the solution,
Thank you for avace

Somehow, since yesterday afternoon, the app randomly triggers “new prices today” and “new prices tomorrow” cards.
Diagnostic report 45f84b91-7233-473a-88cb-131e742ebca3

It is not random. I have the same. It means the source data from ENTSOE changed during the day. I guess they have issues. Just wait for tomorrow…


@Ben_Van_Mierlo many thx for your kind donation! :beers::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I had same issue few times (in short texting period while planning to jump over from Telldus…).

Now started to store (longest) JSON (“next hours”) and use only that for calculations, and only when “hours left” is less than in newly received JSON (“next hours”), will update am. stored one… solved disturbance hopefully for good… (with horribly newbee-code)

Also have seen, that for some reason other apps (I have use on mob e.g. Android mob / [Sähköseuranta - Apps on Google Play] (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fi.koodimetsa.kuluttaja_app&pli=1 ) knows new FI-prices (similar to next hours) around 1h before this app currently (here last time 34 h-cycles received as per my log was "Oct 21 2023 13:04:44 CET)

I’m wondering if there is any way to replace the underlying device without loosing all statistics.
E.g. if a power plug fails and needs to be replaced.

There should be a maintenance option to attach to a different device.


Is already on the feature list. Lots of time is all it takes :wink:

Hello hello,

I am trying something new, i am using the JSON action in this app and have set a variable with the values, i am trying to read the hour pricing after out of this variable. As i understand, i have to parse the JSON. I do not understand what i have to type in this flowcard:
I have read several post in this forum/post, tried different JSON webpages, but still i do not understand this. Can someone guide me in the right direction?

@Henk_Bartels many thanks for your kind donation! :heart::beers:

Hi! Is it s possible to write x cheapest hour of the day and send them to timeline? I would need these to keep up how my devices will work during the day. Like this: Hour 14, hour 15 etc.

You can create your own flow or script for that.

I couldn’t find it but my electricity is automatically filled but my gas device stays empty… what am I doing wrong?
Also not sure where the information is coming from. I’m using ZTATS but I also have solar.

Hi @anon61197305
I have the same problem. I also have no gas information, no matter which one I use, they all remain empty. Have your own Zonneplan as a dynamic provider.

A bit of a shame and hope that a solution will be found. At first they thought it was because of the . and, in the price statements, but that is not it.

So if anyone has a solution for this, I would appreciate it :slight_smile:

Do you mean the gas summarizer or the dap?

If it is summarizer, do you mean it doesnt find any gas sources when pairing?

Edit: I looked at the source code of the ZTATZ app, and I see it uses an unusual capability for the gas meter.

Is the ZTAZ gas meter showing m3 (so total gas meter value as seen on your physical gas meter), or is it representing something else?

The summariser. It’s just empty.

I don’t know how ZTATS is processing its data. I know there are different values. There is the meter value (in m3) that is somewhere, yes.
There is also a daily gas usage, but that’s the only thing and I like some more data in Homey.

No sure if you want to fix it, or are able to. If so, I’d like to help where I can! :slight_smile: