[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

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So all the sudden today my energy consumtion jumped to negative.
It was counting just fine for daily production but around 10:00 today it went negative
Any ideas?
Nothing was changed or done, and my smartmeter is showing correct data.

Does your meter reset to 0 every night?
It probably happened when the app got updated on your Homey this morning.

It resets at night yes, now it show 0 and is not counting at all. Even added a new meter and none of them are updating. But the one for production was still working yesterday.

Thank you, I get now the price in a message. I only need now to know which time? I see only the cost but I don’t know what is de time for that price.

I see it is easy when you know how to do it. I’m thinking to difficult :slight_smile:

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I have the same issue. al lot of values are negative.
Any way to set them to the right values before midnight?

Maybe homey/app restart helps?

No, tried that already.

Same here multiple restarts not helping. Even adding a new unit is not helping.

You can manually set the start kWh values in the device settings.

I cannot reproduce this. All works good on all my 3 Homey’s. You can send an app diagnostics report. Maybe I see some clues there.


Yes but not all. kWh this day, month and year not.
Money values for this day, month and year are adjustable.

Just substract approximately 41170 to this day, month, year start.

In my information it will be 0kWh - last hour, this hour, this day
I can’t see all :frowning:


I have 3 totalizers in my setup.

  1. Production (solar) is working.
  2. Consumption negative values yesterday, not updating at all today.
  3. Consumption, added this for test yesterday, not updating at all yesterday or today.




Same here, nothing is updated for about 16 - 20 hours now.

@heula @Johan_Olsson What is the source app and device you are using? Did that app update in the past weeks maybe?

Mine is working fine again. After midnight all seems to set back to normal again.
Using Homewizard P1 and no idea what happened.
All good now.


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Source app for consumption is Smart gateways, no update for a very long time for that app. And no update in app ( power by the jour )for over 3 days now.,

Source app for production, and this one is still working.