@Gruijter I’ve got another feature request for this app. I am using Tuya smart plugs as ‘source’ to monitor my energy consumption. However, they do tend to break after 1-2 years of usage. That also means that when I replace the plug, my historical information is lost. Could you make it so that we could change the ‘source’ of an energy meter by editing “Device ID” in the Advanced Settings? That way we could replace plugs or have PbtH point at a different device without losing graphs/data.
That is why I created the option to re-pair with a new device. You might need to fiddle with the ‘start’ meter values after migration.
Ah! Can you tell me how to re-pair a PbtH Power Summarizer device? I can’t seem to find any documentation on this, nor do I see a button for this – or is it the “Try to repair?” button in Maintenance? Or does it only work if the original device is deleted?
Close. Now just tap it.
For information.
In my Zonneplan app is the gas price today (Sunday) the same as yesterday (Saturday) and that seem normal.
That is 135,81ct and not 135,71 by PbtH.
@Gruijter Could you explain a little about the settings “Update interval (minuten)” and “Vertraagd uurlijkse poll (minuten)”.
I changed the “Vertraagd uurlijkse poll (minuten)” from 1 to 2, to get 6 hourly power readings in the same time slot in PBTH. It solved the problem, but I don’t understand how.
I created an AVD’s with 6 fields Power Sensor and 5 seconds after every minute the 6 energy meters in a NIBE SMO-S40 are polled and stored in that AVD. The SMO energy meters represent the hourly power consumption and production for hot shower water, and hot and cold water for controlling the room temperature. For every meter I created a PBTH device with just one field Power Sensor. As soon as a hourly value changes in the AVD with 6 fields, this value is added to the value in the dedicated AVD. So I have 6 power meters which value continuously grow. For every such power meter I created an PBTH device. In Insight I noticed that the 6 PBTH did not align up in time. So I thought there might be a timing problem and changed the poll delay from 1 to 2 minutes. I left the update interval to 0.
The timing problem will arise from the fact that the hourly values in the SMO-S40 are polled and the new values are not in the poll from e.g 18:00 hr but 18:01.
First of all, thanks for creating and maintaining this great app. Your efforts are much appreciated.
I have stadsverwarming (“city heating???”), which I measure with a SmartGateway device. The unit is GigaJoules (not m3 or kwh). Would it be possible to modify this app so I can also measure GJ’s per hour/day/month etc?
If you know it is GJ, simply ignore the kWh unit in PBTH. The numbers will still represent GJ.
Or you could convert GJ to kWh in a flow and feed that to a PBTH virtual device.
Dear @Gruijter, great app, love it.
Despite many solar panels, I still use more energy than I produce in a year as I have an electric car and heatpumps. I have a variable rate energy contract and ‘salderen’ is applicable and I have no negative rates (ANWB). Recently I installed a 23 kw battery system from SolarEdge and use PbtH “Day Ahead E prijzen” and the “Thuis Battery Monitor” just to see what is going on.
SolarEdge is controlling my battery system based on their “Time of Use” principle. This implies that the battery is charged when there are low hourly prices (and charged through solar production of course as well) and that the energy is released for own consumption or ‘sold’ to the grid when prices are high. I guess just like in similar systems of other brands.
Since I can make use of ‘salderen’, I have set in the SolarEdge energy rate plan, a certain fixed markup for importing energy and the same fixed markup for exporting energy (so I ‘sell’ against the hourly price + this fixed markup ).
In PbtH I can set a fixed markup, but I suspect that this is only applicable for the imported energy.
My question is; can I set somehow in PbtH a fixed markup for the energy I export?
You could change the markup dynamically via a flow. So based your main meter exporting or importing, have a flow change the markup dynamically.
Thank you for the quick reply.
Sorry, maybe my question was not clear or I don’t understand the response correctly. Let me try to explain my thoughts.
The markup does not have to change. I have set the markup for the sum of ‘Energiebelasting’ and ‘Inkoopvergoeding’, being EUR 0,1712 in my case. Since ‘salderen’ is still applicable, and as long as I import on annual basis more energy than I export, the markup is the same for import and export, so 0,1712 for both. Only if I export more energy than I import, then only the surplus, should not have a markup.
In SolarEdge I can set separately a markup for import and export.
While looking at the ‘money/day’, ‘money/month’, etc. from my Battery in PbtH, I got the feeling it is maybe too generous and therefor I am trying to understand how PbtH handles markup
Pbth doesnt know whether you are using from or delivering to the grid. So that is why I proposed to modify the markup (or active tariff) via a flow.
The markup does change in your case: from a positive markup to a negative markup.
That is going to be a tricky one, as the battery can get charged 1) 100% from solar, 2) 100% from the grid, 3) a combination of solar and grid. And discharging can be 1) 100% to the house, 2) 100% to the grid and 3) a combination of both. Interesting, food for thought.
I’d like to fetch the power price for DE_Germany_DE_LU for a specific hour.
@Gruijter, you mentioned that I could get the JSON and use an advanced flow, but I can’t find the URL to retrieve that JSON. Any idea where to find it?
Hello Stefan,
When you’ve added a day-ahead E price device for DE_Germ…, you can use a flow like this:
But it errors atm when test run the flow.
@Gruijter Robin, hi. The returned example JSON has been formatted with single qoutes '
instead of double quotes "
, and this results in the JSON parse card errorring.
Is the actual JSON formatted with double quotes?
When I parse the default example JSON:
it returns this error:
Unexpected token ' in JSON at position 1
When I parse this JSON:
it works OK
Thanks for looking into it.
Yes the real json is in double quotes "
Good to know!
works thanx
Hello Guys,
I’m using the thuisbatterij monitor with a zendure home battery connected trought mqtt.
But have a problem;
I added the battery by adding device>power by the hour>thuisbatterij monitoring.
When I go to the setting of “battery monitoring” and fill in the price difference to calculate the strategy it works fine. The chart shows me when its importing(green) power, and when its exporting(red).
But in my flow, using the “prijs is de beste om te laden/ontladen:” the strategy is different, its not following the chart that is shown on settings, while using the exact same number.
Why is it not using the strategy shown on the chart? Or how can I make it do that?
Because what is shown on the chart is exactly what I want all the time.
I have some trouble to update the price tariff with PBTH. I have tried it many ways but this is the most recent way I have tried it with:
“Priset har förändrats” = “Price has changed” and then I try to update the price on my PBTH statistic with “Set tariff update group to “#Price right now””. I can manually change it under settings for my PBTH but not with a flow that updates the PBTH with the current price.
What am I doing wrong?