It shows the last known / current avg. price for the next 8 hours:
Insights only shows current & historical data.
Looking back further in time shows what it was
Actual today/tomorrow hourly prices can be viewed when you hit the cam icon:
It shows the last known / current avg. price for the next 8 hours:
Insights only shows current & historical data.
Looking back further in time shows what it was
Actual today/tomorrow hourly prices can be viewed when you hit the cam icon:
I am using kWh this day:
6,43 kWh this day. The total production of the solar panels today is 0,2 kWh.
Hi @Gruijter
I have a following testflow.
Today the variable iILPlämmitystunnit have been 24. So the flow should set the SN_ILP_lämmitystunnit variable to 1 in every hour. But it isn’t
In the image it is seen that between 7-15 the SN_ILP_lämmitystunnit variable is 0.
Am I missing something or am I using the flowcard someway it cannot be used?
I need help on how to set current Watt on a PBTH device to measure a device that does not support kWh.
The day-ahead electricity market is moving toward 15 minute pricing during 2025.
What are the plans for PbtH?
Looks like many countries are moving to the new model sooner than later during 2025.
I’m aware. Big changes! Will require a redesign of some of the basic concepts in PBTH. Not a job I’m looking forward to do right now. Will start doing that when I have energy/time
This is a next case to get really the “table variable” in Homey.
For now I have needed 107 difference Homey variables for making my dashboard list.
But needed also BLL ones for calculations.
For now also no idea how to fill-in 4 more prices/hour.
Dear all,
Is there a good way to go about updating the meter values if the gas and power meters have been replaced by Stedin (or any other supplier )?
The meters start at 0 of course and that can cause calculation issues for the power and gas summarizers that are linked to the P1 HomeWizard device that is now at all 000 again.
I have tried to find this in the tread but did not find it…
The workaround can be the working with variables like “E-meter old”.
Then in the flows added this value to the output of the new meter value.
You can copy that card and past it in every place that need it.
That is why you can set this day/month/year start in the summarizer settings. Fill in the values of the old meter as negative number. You need to fiddle a bit with the exact numbers to get it right.
I added the negative values (that are the current used this year , this month and this day) but the current value sticks to the last known that is from the old meter. I did not change anything to the Homeward devices that are reading the P1 device. those began reading the new values (starting at 0 for all). is there anything else besides restarting the PBTH app on homey, as that did not seem to help to get the values updating again…
@Bug I have changed values before and i noticed that the values are not changing instantly. It can take a couple of minutes. At least, that was my experience.
sadly the source number (current value) seems stuck. I have tried to restart the PBTH app as well as the homewizard app. i also tried the maintenance-repair to try and get it to read the meter_power and get it to the meter_latest. it does not seem to like it. is there another way to fix this? (as i cant alter the meter_latest of course as that should come from the source device)
I am considering to change it to use the daily reset for one day but am concerned that this will not help either…
I found a strange dynamic price dip in PBTH ( 6.6.5) @Gruijter for tomorrow. According to my zonneplan app this is definitely incorrect.
Same here:
Note that this is only with the none default settings; I’m using settings suggested to change for Zonneplan. Without the settings changed it works normal. (this will probably help with finding the issue) See screenshots.
Can you share a screenshot of those settings?
This is the screenshot I needed. Can you try restarting the PBTH app?
restarted. Still the same.
Note that the error only happens in the “Next hours” layout
The “tomorrow” option shows it correctly
Very weird…