[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

Hi All, I’ve recently started homey and Pbth app, I would like to know the difference between these operators:

  • Price now becomes one of the 8 lowest of today
  • Price now rank of today becomes less than 8/24

Noone else that have noticed that it gets problem with the flow card x lowest prices of the day when it is some negative prices ?, it works perfecf all other days when it isn not any negative prices.

Can we have Power in W instead of Watt. When using the date in other tools W is recognized as a valid consumption, but Watt isnt.

The price chart isn’t updating upon entry, you need to press ‘update’ symbol to get latest chart.

Android 8.0.2 (Test)

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Same happens from time to time on iOS.

In the PBTH app I push a refresh every hour. So I think the issue is in Homey itself or the Homey mobile app. Nothing I can do in the PBTH app.

@Gruijter My Enphase system has stopped transmitting solar panel output because the software has been updated from version 5.xx to 7.xx. Since I could no longer log in the old way, I had to create a new device and therefore a new device in the app PBTH.
So the old PBTH device is no longer updated and so the new one starts from scratch.
So also last year’s annual yield is also gone.
But if I remove the old Enphase device from Homey, does the old PBTH device remain or is that also gone?

Yes. But did you try re-pairing the old PBTH device to the new Enphase device? No guarantees…

@Gruijter I did not try that because I was afraid that is would lose all the information that is now in there.
Maybe I’ll give it a try this weekend.
The only thing I am missing with the New device is the consumption for the whole day. But that’s because of the Enphase (Solar panels) app

Not sure if you’re still interested in identifying bugs with respect to summarizers with daily reset, but the following might help a bit:

I created a virtual summarizer and activated the daily reset:

Then I created a simple flow that just sends the daily minutes (0-1439) as energy to that device:

This will result in the following data from the virtual summarizer:

Energy looks fine, power has that short negative spike at midnight and “kWh previous hour” is zero from 00:00 to 00:59.

Thx for the extensive insights! It certainly does narrow down where to search. But havent found the cause.

Honestly speaking, I think that this bug with the test flow is independent from the one I experience with my heat pump energy. With my heat pump summarizer I see small positive spikes every hour, while with this test summarizer I see a big negative spike at midnight. The energy fed to the summarizer in both cases has no spikes at all.

My best guess would be that something is fishy with the handling of the daily reset. I was under the impression that the small spikes I see with my heat pump summarizer have about the size of the total energy by last midnight. So maybe somewhere the app handles the daily reset flag incorrectly and refers to the total energy when it should refer to zero (or vice versa).

Let me know if I can be of any help.

Does anyone from Germany use the Power by the Hour app and the dynamic tariff from Tibber and could explain me how the costs have to be stored so that the real Tibber costs are determined?
Please use this topic: Tibber Strompreisberechnung mit der "Power by the Hour" App, aber wie?

Many thanks in advance!

Hi, it’s me again (I’m sorry). I’m using the flow card “Price is the 1 lowest in the 3 hours before 12” to start a device in the cheapest hour between 9:00 and 12:00:

Today prices are absolutely identical between 8:00 and 16:00 and PbtH triggers that flow in every of the three hours between 9:00 and 12:00 instead of just one (I manually turned the device off at 11:00):

I don’t think that the flow card “Price is the x lowest in the y hours before z” should behave that way. It should only trigger for x hours, no matter how many hours in the relevant period have an identical cheapest price.

Present behavior is known and intended. You can use advanced flows to limit the total number of hours in a day.

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I did remove the old, not used device, and the old PBTH device was still on my Homey with all the info.
Then i tried to re-pair it but that function wasn’t availabel on my app.
I have auto updat of on my HP19.
Updated the app and now are my old PBTH devices empty because the device were they are linked to is not availabel.
So, re-pairing was not a succes.
It is my fould because i did not use the latest version.

But before i did remove it i did make some screenshots of the values in the device so i can use that somewere in excel or so.

I didn’t see an answer to this one, but I am eagerly waiting. Anyone?

Also, can someone clarify what exactly is meant by “becomes”. If the current hour is 7th cheapest and the next hour is 8th cheapest, does this flow card trigger or not?
-From semantics point of view, the price doesn’t become 8th cheapest because it already is among those hours.
-From mathematical or philosophical perspective, when the price changes, it always becomes something - and in this case it becomes one of the 8th cheapest.

Is it so that in order to trigger a flow on every hour that fulfills the criterion, I need to first trigger with “The price is changed” and then check the criterion with the corresponding and-card?

At least there is one clear difference: the rank of the hour with 8th lowest price is not less than 8 - it is exactly 8. That however doesn’t justify the existence of both cards. There must be some other difference too. :man_shrugging:

Many cards are automatically generated by Homey itself based on ‘capabilities’. You can wonder why. Or you could accept it as it is and jusr use whatever you need :wink:

Yes. No real problem with the extra action cards. Maybe you can still clarify the “becomes” question I asked?