[APP][Pro] Polestar

Thats a part I did not look at yet, ill put it on my list to check. The workaround is fine I think :wink:
For me the CSV app is very unreliable in this 3.0.3 update on the Polestar, it crashes a lot and it doesnt send info sometimes for weeks. So I stopped using it for Homey flows.

As of today it is possible to see and change the charge limit in the Polestar app. This means it should also be available in an API. Would it be possible to add this to the Homey app? Read-only is sufficient for my use case.

I will look into this indeed :+1:t2:


Looks like its not in the API :frowning:

Hi. Are you tapping into the same API as tibber (if you are familiar with it)?

Hopefully they will update their API soon so both your app and Tibber will atleast be able to read the SOC limit.

I use the one behind the my.polestar.com site. I think Tibber does also. The app uses mqtt messages. So there are differences there.

Polestar 3 has begun delivery, and I guess Polestar 4 is right around the corner, will there be an update to the app to support these models? I’m getting a 3 soon and would love for this to work.

The @Coderax github project that the app store links to seems to be stagnant, but I understand you took over the app @Kaoh. Has the project been moved somewhere else, or does further development depend on @Coderax accepting pull requests?

Its in a new repository indeed now.
I am very interested in a p3 or p4 tester. I expect them to just work.

Ok, I suppose it would be good to update the details in the app overview, as the links are mostly outdated now. :slightly_smiling_face: Source code, contact, web page, etc.

I’ll be happy to help test when I get the P3. Should be within a month or so I think.

New version is already in review with those changes indeed :blush:.
Also gave it the new car class for the my polestar device.

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Added release to test with changes to the triggers, seemed like they where not triggering anymore. To solve it I needed to remapp some events that might result in loss of your triggers in the workflows you have, sorry for that.