[APP][Pro] Polestar

I am on 2.1.2 now. The old Tibber integration no longer works. Beta via the Carstat app hangs every now and then. New My Polestar always results in message that no car was found. Any idea or interest in debug messages?

I also think the CarStat App way doesn’t work when there’s another driver profile selected (without that app)

I am still on version 2.0.8 using the Tibber integration. Can anyone confirm that the new 2.1.2 version using the unofficial Polestar api works reliably? All I really need is the battery percentage.

The message from KaiF makes me hesitant to upgrade.

the Carstat version works well (except if the client on the car crashed - which it does every now and then).
The MyPolestar version still tells me that “no car was found” whenever I try to set up a new “Polestar” device in my Homey Pro 23.
maybe Coderax you are able to advice how I could support in debugging?

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With latest SW update of my Polestar 2 to OS3.x, the CarStat App does not start any more. So basically all integrations into HomeyPro now stopped working or never worked…

Hi all, I am taking over the app development from @Coderax.
I already contributed the polestar device with the unofficial api support in it.
I just published a new version of the app to test
Polestar | Homey
This version, using the unofficial api driver, now shows the live charge power and speed if your car is on 3.0.3

If you have troubles with this new version let me know. there was a change in the API some time ago and I dont know if coderax published the version with that fix before.

I also am not sure what merge/rework changes might brake some of the older features in this app. So you might have to re-add devices.
For people that want to use the CSV driver make sure it is running well in the car and that you setup the connection. It is a less than stable solution due to the CSV app service in the car being unstable and stops when the car is exited.

hi Kaoh/Vincent, thanks for taking over !
Just tried the latest version on my HP23. Unfortunately as before when trying to use Polestar ID and adding a new device aka Polestar 2, I get the message that no car was found in my profile.

So either my profile is screwed or i may have found a bug. How can I support in debugging ?

Can you restart the app, then go through these steps. Once you get the no car found message, please create an error report in the app settings.
Then i receive the logging and can i see if something happens there

Tried again after restarting. Same error as before “no vehicles found”. Following log ID

ok, looking at the log, the polestar api cleary states you have no car registered.
So when you login to this page:
Pure progressive performance | Polestar
You do get a vehicle in the Your cars section?
Because having a polestar id that is linked a car by login into the car in the dashboard is not not enough. The car must be truly linked to this id as ownership.

thanks. That is indeed the case as it is a leasing car and it seems my leasing company has claimed the car…

Yeah, lease car companies seem to do that, mine didn’t. Hope they won’t again next time, still have a year and a half to go with this one, and i have my sights set to the P4

@Kaoh Thank you for taking over and enhancing this app. I’ve installed the test version and everything looks good so far. I can confirm that the device with the unofficial API driver is functioning for me. The most significant improvement is receiving updates more frequently than with the Tibber integration.

My primary use for this app is to schedule charging sessions to minimize costs. Currently, I use the battery percentage to determine the necessary charging duration. However, in this new app, there’s a feature that indicates the remaining charging time, which appears to consider the target charge percentage. If this continues to perform reliably, I will switch to using this feature instead of assuming it is charging to 100% by default.

Excellent work!

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That remaining time is read from the car. So it is the time the car calculates :slight_smile:

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Thanks. I don’t fully trust Polestar in reliably calculating charge time, so I will monitor it for a while :blush:. But in principle this should work indeed.

The domain crdx.us previously used by coderaxx for updating the Homey app from CarStatsViewer’s webhook is no longer active. This was the short webhook URL I will try to enter the (very very) long athom.com URL instead. Also, trying to email polestar@coderax.dev. returns a server misconfigured error. 554 Relay access denied, probably also domain related. But I understand coderax has handed over the app to Kaoh, so these issues are understandable.

I got the app working again by entering the superlong webhooks.athom.com link that the crdx url shortener was pointing to.

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@Kaoh just confirming I have read the posts / instructions for the app correctly - because my (3 week old!) Polestar 2 is still on version P2.14.4 I won’t get live power or current data?

The car will need software version P3.0.3 or later for this?

That is correct. Unfortunately that version was pulled back. So we have to wait
