[App][Pro] Playstation


Card works. Would it be possible to generate tags with this card?

Oh forgot, I will check what is available, probably title and image of game being played.

I am trying to add my Ps4, but keep getting this error: Network request failed How can I fix it???

Can you send a diagnostics report please when the error happens? @AliBozis

Hello Emiliano!

Is it possible to add the ability to detect when a Game is started?
I’d like to create a flow between your plugin and Discord.

I already created a flow that automatically send a customized message to my own Discord Server whenever I switch my PS5 on.
It would be great to make it working once a game is started, but your plugin doesn’t support it yet.

Can you please consider this idea?


You mean this (??):

If track changed - card form PSN device

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Hi @Hielke_de_Jong,

I don’t understand that flow.
I don’t have those commands, I just have these 3:

I have a standard Flow: When [PS5] is [Activated] → send [Message] to Discord Channel.

Can you please tell me how to change it as explained on my previous post?

You have to add 2 devices. PSN and PlayStation. Der topic start.

The card suggested is 1 from the PSN device

Follow the instructions in: How to configure the PSN device

Thanks @Hielke_de_Jong,

I added PSN to Homey, but I’m not able to make an advanced flow.

It should be: [When] I start “Warzone” [then] send a “custom message” to Discord Channel.

Possible with a extra card

With Track is changed you get a tag in the flow. That tag is the name of the game. Which you can use in following cards in the flow.

Have fun playing Warzone :+1:


Ik heb de stappen allemaal uitgevoerd maar als ik in de homey app de playstation aan duwt gebeurd er niks. In bijlage heb ik een foto toegevoegd van de foutmelding.

Can you open the details of the message? And also send a diagnostics report. Take into account that on/off times out but it still works because the communication takes longer than the timeout

Is dit wat u nodig heeft? Ik ben redelijk nieuw bij homey en ken nog niet alles.

Can you turn the PS off by using Homey-device?

Can you turn the PS off by using Homey-device?

It doesn’t work for me, or I don’t have the patience to wait and turn on the PS myself physically

So both on and off is not working?

Nope. the following pop window appears. and did not work with any version

@Emiliano_Quetimporta just playing a bit of Fallout 4. Notice that now I have couple of hundred of images in homey:app:com.emi.playstationnetwork. Seems a bit much.

Or probably not the image itself but a referal of some kind(url from one of them: https://psnobj.prod.dl.playstation.net/psnobj/NPWR31904_00/59b0d24c-42db-4fe3-9615-18d1f0b10b49.png)

For reference: the sidebar to scroll down is visible. The last picture is also from Fallout 4 (and nothing else in between)

Interesting, I will take a look