[App][Pro] Panasonic Comfort Cloud Alternative

Hi Jarl. I done the git install a few times.

But could you explain i little further:

Do i just do a search in GIT: git checkout a7c5e6a6dd4f7f12d24f08f446c6e3f2f91c91ae

“npm install”, “homey app build” and finally “homey app install”

like the NPM install , do i do these instruction one after the other in CMD.

Super thanks Rune


Hi Jarl

It seems to work fine, I would never have been able to do this on my own. SUPER THANKS!!!
Tested off and on works,Your the BOSS.


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1.1.14 is released with a couple of fixes for Node.js 12 compatibility (required by Homey Pro 2019 models).
Thanks for your assistance, Magnusri and @Jarl!

In case it doesn’t work for you, I’ve tagged version 1.1.11 since this was the last known good version.

Merry Christmas!

Hi and SUPER thanks to everyone here who is willing to take time out of there day to help an unknown person… I just love it. Imagen if everyone around us in dailly life would do the same - now that would make the planet great again…

Special thanks to Robert_Schmidt and Jarl.

Is there a reason to upgrade. kinda thinking (if it works don’t mess with it :slight_smile:

See you on the other side …

Thanks for the nice words!

Unless you need the new features or fixes, sticking with a working version is fine. I know the feeling😎


I just have one heatpump, the only issue i have is no ambient indoor temprature, reads 126 degrees but thats a minor issue, seems to be the case with the Panasonic app as well.

So if thats not in the upgrade then i think i’m done for the time being :slight_smile:

If you want, i can do it for testing purposes, as there is a return.

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Thanks for a great app! We just installed a second panasonic heat pump now, and the both show up effortlessly in this app.

Is there any chance you could make the power reading available as a variable for logic operations? Ideally with a trigger card for changed value in addition. This would be fantastic to able to estimate power consumption.

Power reading would be great :+1:

I also miss the auto-mode on swing-up-down and to collect outdoor temperature.

As a work-around, I am using the Device Capabilities app to grab average power last hour. It works, but the update frequency/timing is a bit strange. I guess it can also be used to grab outdoor temp i you need to use it for some logic.

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There are cards that will trigger when the average power consumption is above/below a defined number in the latest version (1.1.14) on GitHub, but I guess you just want the plain number so that you can define the logic your self? Should be possible to add. Please raise an issue at GitHub · Where software is built

PS! Please have a look at Current power & outside temperature · Issue #25 · ugumba/homey-panasonic-comfort-cloud-alt · GitHub to understand the limitation in the reported power consumption that is available from the Panasonic API.