[App][Pro] Onkyo Receiver

Yes but that’s something ive checked. When the device is off, I can still ‘ping’ it. Are you running 7.0.1 ?

So just to be sure we understand each other. When playing audio on the receiver and pushing the standby button on the physical receiver, it also reflects the off value inside your homey app?

Yes running 7.01, have you checked when the receiver is OFF you can turn it ON with homey?
Then we know for sure that working.

Should also work , can you reporduce it and send me a diagnosticlog in a PM after the actions?

Yes, can turn it on again with homey. And I used to work like this.

Now it didn’t anymore, but! I did a powercycle by pulling the plug from my receiver and it started working again. Now with the physical button push the status get’s reflected inside homey.

So no worries, was a problem on the onkyo side. Maybe I’ll have to add a powerplug to sometimes powercycle.

Maybe a bit OT but when you use a powerplug you can also check the standby power of the Onkyo. I have an old Onkyo receiver that I don’t use daily but it uses 30wH in standby. So when I do not use it I turn the powerplug of. When I turn it back on again the receiver works with no problem with Homey again.

Oh, that seems a bit high, never checked before. I had a old LSC smart wifi plug laying around without powermetering, so I’m using that, but that’s something I want to check… this onkyo isn’t really new either.

Mickel, first of all, thanks for the fantastic app. Works perfectly with my Integra 50.4. Now, I was trying to install the second instance to control my Pioneer SC-2024 (it works on Port 8102 with the other app but the functionality is very limited).
So I seem to have installed the app, configured it using the receiver’s fixed IP address, added the new device and got a crash immediately. This is the error:
Stack trace:
throw err;

Error: Cannot find module ‘async’
etc etc

I suspect this is not the problem with your app (which I know works perfectly with my other receiver) but rather with me screwing up the installation somehow, but if you could point me in the right direction, I’d appreciate it.

I used the homey app install from within the directory without any errors.

The only thing I wasn’t sure about is that after reading your response to another user I changed the app name and id in the root directory of the zip file but noticed this comment This file is generated. Please edit .homeycompose/app.json instead. So I changed it in both places. Could that have been it? Probably not, but thought I’d ask since this is the only thing I can think of that may have done wrong,

Thank you!

HI, First of all, thank you for the positive feedback, Do a good review on Onkyo Receiver App voor Homey | Homey or better a donation thru the same page :slight_smile:

Your almost there.
To change to ID an Name you only have to do this in the file <appfolder>/.homeycompose/app.json.

The app.json in the root folder is automaticly generated if you do a homey app run or install.

To fix the other problem please run the command npm install async from the <appfolder>

So in general

  • Download the code from my GIT.
  • Change the ID and Name in <appfolder>/.homeycompose/app.json
  • run npm install async from the <appfolder>.
  • run homey app install

Hi all,
Maybe a weird question, but could there be an IF card with > if input changed.
I’d love to automate my beamer turning on when certain input is selected. Thanks for all the awesome work on the app!

Use the general WHEN card : Receive a custom command.
There a 2 tags that will be filled that u can use in the AND card.


what is the main.selector for? :slight_smile:
Thanks for the tip

Check out com.onkyoreceiver/eiscp-commands-info.txt at master · mickelluiten/com.onkyoreceiver · GitHub
Here is some info about the commands and argument.

But lets split the first command tag up : mail.selector
main : for main zone ; can also be e.g. zone1 , zone2
selector : for selecor input ; can also be e.g. volume, power.

For the argumen tag
This can be a string or number according to the list on GitHub.
For selector, it can be e.g. aux, dvd, tv
For muting it can be on or off.
For volume it can be e.g. 1,2,3,4.

By this way with the tags you can catch every command the Onkyo send and use in a flow.

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oooh, this is getting cool. Thanks!

One last question? If I, looking at the list, want to press the pauze button, would main:pauze=01 work?
I guess not.#justtested. but how should it be done? :slight_smile:

I don’'t think and also i can;t find it in the API (intergration) document that the pause button on the remote is intergrated in the Main / Zone1 / Zone2

Only thing i have read is when the onkyo is in NET modus, then there is a pause command.

If you want to know it for sure, press the pause button and check the 2 tags.
If the command and argument is filled in the tags, then its there and you can use it. :slight_smile:

Same if your not sure if you using the right command and argument, Check the tags after changing something on the onkyo.

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aah, I have to set it in the NET modus, (cause I’m trying ot use it via net indeed).
Okey, I’ll continue tinkering! Thanks for the info ^^

Today I made a new flow with the goal of starting the receiver and starting a TuneIn preset (internet radio). I tried using this custom command:

                name: [internet-radio, iradio-favorite]
                description: sets INTERNET RADIO, iRadio Favorite

I tried various different formats with both the normal command and the RAW command, but I did not succeed in getting it to work on my Onkyo TX-RZ840. The receiver does not respond to the internet radio command at all.

Eventually I made it work with a workaround. In my flow I set the receiver to ‘network’ and then I press enter a few times and move down a few times to go to the radio station I want. When running this flow, you can see the navigation happening on the TV and receiver display. The THEN part of my flow looks like this now:

As a last step, I enable Whole house mode, to hear the radio everywhere.
So in the end, I got what I wanted and it works fine, but does anyone know a simpler way to achieve this?


Getting a lot of crashreports from homeys running firmwareversion 7.4.1-rc.4

Please upgrade to Onky app V4.0.5 https://homey.app/nl-nl/app/com.onkyo/Onkyo-Receiver/test/
Or wait till Athom appove this version(At the momnet in review by athom for publish to live)

Changes :

  • upgrade to SDK3
  • Bugfixed for 7.4.1-rc.4
  • Better error handling.
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I have a big problem with my onkyo amplifier turning off completely randomly when I use it together with the homey pro 23 and the onkyo app. if i uninstall the app the amp works as it should. I have auto standby switched off in the amplifier


HI, Markus, There is nothing changed in the app code and you are the only one reporting this issue.
Are your sure there’s not a flow doing this?

Can you send me diag report 5 minurtes after this happens

Hallo !

Im so sorry it was a flow who control my lights in the kitchen who was the problem.

Everything works perfekt now :ok_hand::+1::+1:
