[APP][PRO] Nibe MyUplink

@Joost_de_Baaij - glad to hear you managed to connect your device.
As for power, go to device settings, and make sure the “Datapoint name for power usage” is holding the name of the datapoint that measures power consumption on your device.

Thanks, this was already named right, I think. It says ‘direct used power’

In addition: other information is available, but ‘Power’ (“Vermogen”) not

You can add any datapoint you want to see by copying from “Datapoint names” to the “Datapoint name for capability xxx”:

Indeed, after the migration to Nibe’s MyUplink there’s no direct way to see the consumed power. I have NIBE F750 CU 3x400V heatpump and trying to figure this out not for the first day.
What I found out, if you go Main menu → 3. Info → 3.1 Service info → Heat meter, then you can see some of the parameters, through which technically it would be possible to calculate the power meter. While the original documentation doesn’t mention this, assuming this is something that came with the new firmware and software updates.

In ideal case, I’d like to achieve the slice of data with categories separation:

  • Total Heat pump’s consumed energy in kWh;
  • Energy consumed on Heating in kWh
    • which can be split into two subcategories as well, Int. add. heat, and separately Compressor only)
  • Energy consumed on Hot water in kWh
    • which can be split into two subcategories as well, Int. add. heat, and separately Compressor