For sh*t and giggles i installed another Modbus app to see if something happend.
And with that other app i get connected with the same settings as far as IP, Port and ID goes. (thats the red square in attached picture)
So. It feels like my inverter is correctly communicating?..
(I don’t want to use that app because its not as good. )
“No connection” is perhaps caused by another connection done to your inverter. As default, Modbus allows multi connection tothe server while some devices don’t answer is another connection is active.
But this should only ocour from time to time.
The Modbsu error (wrong address) is another one.
What app is working for your? Which device did you add (the name from add device view)? Perhaps I can find something in the code.
You can not set export to 0.
You can only set charge/discharge limit for the battery. That means: If your panels are producing, and your battery is already full, then all energy goes into the grid.
Only way to prevent this is to activate “zero feed-in” in Fronius settings (via local access).
I only know changangeable registers for battery charge/discharge and not for production. But perhaps there is a register I haven’t seen.
Yesterday i read a forum for Home Assistant and i think the last flow may be correct. The first card is turn on/off soft limit, im not sure if thats the real name. The second card sets the % of installed kWp to 1%. So 100 is 1%.
Oh, I checked the battery power registers not output. You are right. Register 40233 (address 40232) seems to be right.
I would suggest to use register 40233 with option "Register starting at #1 to use same numbers as in Fronius docs).
Register 40237 (address 40236) seems to be the switch to turn on/off the limit.
I think you can try. You can always revert to default values (R40233=10000 for 100% and R40237=0 for off).
If it’s working, you can write a comment with your flows. I think that’s a good example for other users. Thanks.
Hello everyone, I use an inverter from SMA. A STP10.0-3SE-40 0 22. The connection via Modbus can be established. But I can’t manage to read the registers correctly.