[APP][Pro] MELCloud & MELCloud Extension - Take control of your heat pump

@KWallin, @Dag_Gulbrandsrud, the fix is in the test version: MELCloud | Homey

@OlivierZal , I’ve tested the v32.1.0 and it fixed the issue that I’ve had. Thank you sp much !


I got the following error. Rebooting homey or repairing device won’t help.

Hi @Witteflits, this issue is not directly related to the app, but to the last Homey 2016-2019’s firmware.

I’ll try to find a clean workaround, in the meanwhile can you please contact me on Slack https://slack.athom.com/ so I can check something?

Thanks for your comment. The latest version was installed last night. Yesterday I had no problems.

Yes, but last night’s release does not deal with your issue. I think it’s just a coincidence with last Homey’s firmware. If you go on https://slack.athom.com/ we can confirm and try to find out the best workaround

Hello, @OlivierZal

I need to move my Air-Air heatpump to a clean 2.4gHz network, then i got a question.
What can i do, so i can use the “Repair” function in Homey, and not need to fix the broken the flows?

Is the use of the same IP-adress enough?


Hi @Marius_Stensrod, what defines your device in Homey is not the IP but the Device ID in Homey.

If the Device ID remains the same, there’s nothing to do in Homey (including regarding flows).
Otherwise you’ll need to recreate from scratch.

There is no “repair” toolbox provided by MELCloud, so I used this Homey category only in case someone changes its password and/or username and needs to log in again (what can also be done from the app settings, by the way).

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I guess i then need to “re-include” the device. And it will get a new “Device-ID” . Thank you for your reply.


@OlivierZal do you know if the I-sense functionality is availible in their API?


Hi @Antohagg, unfortunately it’s not.

All the “actions” available with the API can be performed with Homey, on request I can add some “readonly” data. Next release will add some.

Kind regards

Thanks for The quick answer. What kind of read only data is there? Is there documentation any where?

I propose we continue the discussion on https://slack.athom.com/

My fan indicator/slide doesn’t reflect the fan status, it’s showing nothing. Also the scale goes from 0 - 500%.
Anyone else with same issue? Ver. 32.3.1

Hi @Yankie,

The 0-500% is a bug from Homey, that I’ve already raised to Athom.

If you see nothing, that means that the value is 0 and then that fan speed is in either automatic mode or silent mode (I’ll add a capability showing whether the mode is silent or not in the next release).

Kind regards

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Thanks for quick reply.
I’m pretty sure the fan is running at step 4 and not at automatic or quiet mode.

So it should be the Homey bug, I’ve the same but the opposite: always at 100/500% but device in auto mode or speed 1.

I’ll keep you informed when I get an answer from Athom.


Hi @OlivierZal, after the last update (33.0.1) I got this error on my heat pump:
Do any changes made which can cause this issue?
Thank you

I’ll investigate.

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