[APP][Pro] MELCloud & MELCloud Extension - Take control of your heat pump


I moved target heating curve temperature to settings so that user can choose to display it or not in his dashboard (defaulted to false).

I also added the condensing temperature (can be enabled from settings).

hmmm … now the power values are off by factor 1000 :see_no_evil:
Would be great if heat pump uses only 1 W in winter :wink:


Maybe your heat pump improved :wink:

I see what happened! Will be fixed ASAP…

Fixed @m.plo.b

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By the way: in most cases when I try to update the settings I get the info that there are no changes to apply … is it possible that the logic for detecting changes has not been updates to all those new properties?

By the way: what does the - sign mean in this context? Is it about new features?


“-” means that you leave the setting values as is (in this case: that’s neither false or true but the default setting value I’ve defined in the setting template): that’s why you get the message “No change to apply”.

To apply a change (that is, to define your own setting value), you need to either check or uncheck these boxes, and then save.

ok, but this did not work in many cases in the past (of course I changed settings). It seemd that I mostly have to change some other settings to in order to trigger an update … so I thought there is maybe some logic that checks if settings are different from before in order to cause triggering an update - and that this check logic does maybe not include the new settings

somehow I always managed to update be checking/unchecking other settings several times :wink:

but many thanks for your efforts … getting better and better each time (by the factor 1000 ;-))
I really like the new values to monitor whats going on … because MELCloud UI is really crap.

Here with Homey Dashboards:

Don’t hesitate to raise any issue on that so I can improve, but it’s true that I fixed some issues in the past, so maybe it has been solved in the meanwhile.

Thanks for the sharing!

Hi There, i’m new to Homey and just got myself a Homey Bridge (not pro) just to use it to control my heatpump. No is see the app is only for Homey Pro users. Is there another way?

Thank you.

Hi @Leon_K, unfortunately this app is available only on Homey Pro and cannot be developed for Homey Cloud as per Homey policy.

A Homey Pro or the official MELCloud app seem to be the only solutions for you.

I wanted to see the historic COP data but it only shows information from November 28 till today. Is it possible to find the older information for this somewhere?

Hi @RubenNL, unfortunately it’s not possible to retrieve the information retroactively from Homey (in particular because Homey “prints” the value at the day/time it receives it).

Thanks for the reply. Did is reset all the values with the newest update? A couple of weeks ago I could see the COP’s from before November 28.


Last release was a one-shot breaking change release, it shouldn’t happen again.

Does the app works on an early version of Homey Pro device? Like the 2019 ?

Yes it does.

First @OlivierZal very very big thank you about this app, it’s work perfectly.

Only one question: Is it possible somehow to set the room temperature from outer sensors? So I want to set this number, from my own temp sensors: