[App][Pro] MCOHome App (v1.5.4)

Looks like none of the MCO Home devices support scene activation, so hold and/or multiple presses can’t be added. (device limitation)

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According to the manual there seems to be a kind of “Scene Activation”, but only to change the on/off behavior of the lamps. Double-, triple-click or hold to activate other devices/flows does not seem to exist.

Okay, how can we use this scene activation feature in Homey?

Not really, all MCo Home devices support single and long click

You have to set the parameter via Z-Wave raw configuration in the advanced settings of the device (Raw Configuration Parameters) or in Developer (Send Raw Data).
How this works with hexadecimal values I cannot say (please use the search). I also can not say which values need to be changed in general according to the MCOHome instruction, the instruction is cryptical for me.

Well according the app’s code and the z-wave alliance’s database the story is different.

The developer (@TedTolboom) is a really good one, he wouldn’t just leave it away if it was a available, flow cards can’t be added or deleted based on device (advanced) settings, so if it was available (even with the/a scene activation setting: off), the trigger card(s) would still be there.

Well, I’m sure the developer is great, but is it a Homey limitation that such feature doesn’t work? Since the same feature works with Fibaro & SmartThings.

@TedTolboom When i try to pair the MH-DT411 (the touch pannel dimmer) is says no app found and it wil be pair as a simple zwave no dimming etc. Can this (normal eu version) be added?

As you can see in the first post from Ted, MH-DT411 is not supported yet.
As I see on Github you have already asked the same question or asked to add the device.

Unfortunately I don’t know why Ted is currently so inactive regarding the MCOHome app. Probably he is currently 100% taking care of the Aqara and Xiaomi app. :man_shrugging:t3:

Yess i know and see. Just try different options. Contribute with money , and post here en on Githup. Maybe to much i apologies.

How to use scenes for button s2? device mh-s220. Thanks.

Have you configured and enabled Scene Activation in the advanced device parameters?

i activated in setings/experiments/virtual devices. I don’t know how to set up the scene activation. Help me to understand. Thank you

First of all, I do not have a Micro Switch S220.

This is what the manual says:

If I understand it right, SA is only possible with the S2 switch. Do you habe a double switch or a double momentary switch?

Why did you delete the screenshot of the device settings?

yes you got it right. I have double momentary switch.

I need that when the second key S2 is pressed, the flow can be activated

What options do you have in the “When…” section when creating a flow?

turned on and turned off

Then I can not help, sorry.

With a Fibaro Walli Switch, for example, I have the option to select “Button Scenes”.
Then I can select the button 1 or 2 and whether a single, double, triple click or holding the button should start a flow.