[App][Pro] MCOHome App (v1.5.4)

Is there posibility to check if device is online?
I have one device which is sometimes out of power supply but Homey show me that device like it is online.

Hello thank you for your work.
My English is not very good.
is it possible to add the MH-C221 roller shutter panel switch or is it already compatible?
thank you for your reply

Actually not. See the first post of this topic.

Wish that this new thermostat MH3901-Z is added to the app, is there any plan for that?


Really nice and clear thermostat. :+1:t4:

Hi @TedTolboom did you get a chance to look at my question? Thanks!

Yes, included in the 1.4.0 update that I just released to the app store.


@Julien_RAMON @Daniel_Sundqvist Should be possible to add, but I don’t have access to all MCOHome devices…


Anyone know for the latest update v1.4.0 what enhancements on homey-meshdriver update ? :face_with_monocle:

Main change in the meshdriver is related to preventing false positives on the sensors.

Hey @TedTolboom,
do you know if there is a possibility to set the time of the Heating thermostat MH7-WH with a flow via Z-Wave raw command (send raw command in the „Then…“ section)?
The problem is that the time changes relatively quickly. The time is running forward.

I can offer you to borrow a MH3901-Z thermostat from me, would that facilitate the work?

Hello! Mh-ds221 doesn’t work

Hai. When i try to pair the MH-DT411 (the touch pannel dimmer) is says no app found and it wil be pair as a simple zwave no dimming etc.

What is going wrong?
Kind regards en vriendelijke groet,


Hi did you solved this problem? i also cant pair the MH DT411. It is a original EU version ;-(

Is the long click supported in Homey for the touch dimmer and 2, 3, 4 gang switches? How can I set up an action based on the long click?

I can’t find the long click option… is this supported in Homey?

Can you please show a screenshot of the device settings. It may be that “Scene Activation” in the device settings must be activated first.

Here you go.

These are for each switch of the 3:

And these are for the device overall:

Sorry, don’t understand you.

Which switch and/or dimmer switch do you have exactly?
– Touch panel switch 1x: MH-S311(H), MH-S411(H), MH-S511(H) (Z-Wave Plus)
– Touch panel switch 2x: MH-S312(H), MH-S412, MH-S512, MH-S312 (Z-Wave Plus)
– Touch panel switch 3x: MH-S513 (Z-Wave Plus)
– Touch panel switch 4x: MH-S314, MH-S514, MH-S314 (Z-Wave Plus)
– Touch panel dimmer 1x: MH-P311, MH-P411, MH-P511
– Touch panel dimmer 2x: MH-DT311

I have the Touch panel switch 3x: MH-S513 (Z-Wave Plus).