[App][Pro] MCOHome App (v1.5.4)

@TedTolboom: any news?

Dear developer,

will the 9 in 1 meter ( MCOHome A8-9) be added in the future? It comes with a bundle of handy tools that I want to use.

thanks in advance!

Been playing with Homey again and trying to add some MCO Home 4 load Zwave plus switches.

The exclusion and then inclusion process goes well with the units flashing four times to signal comms and registration, but then the install appears to time out and it flashes a message up too fast to read and then says the install failed, almost like it times out.

Earler today i added a two button switch, but can;t even do that now.

Failed installs pop up as unknown but reachable nodes in the developer page, which i then have to uninstall and try again.

Am i missing something @TedTolboom

Update, appears to be happening with some other devices too, so maybe not isolated to the MCO units. Maybe a Homey issue.

Hello @TedTolboom!
after today’s updates 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 my MCO Home MH7 thermostats are no longer accessible. Restarting the app could not solve the problem.

Hi @DirkG apologies for the inconvenience; with the update to 1.3.x, an error was made in the MH7 driver that should not have been made.

Can you indicate what the error message is?
Can you restart your Homey?
That should solve the non-availability of your thermostats. If not, please send me a diagnostics log from the app.

Hi @TedTolboom,
thank you so much for that super quick feedback!

No, I can’t specify the error, sorry. The devices were just unreachable.
A Homey restart seems to have solved the problem, now I have full access to the devices again.

What was the reason to update the app to version 1.3.1?

Thanks again for your support! :+1:t3:

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Thanks for the feedback and once more appologies for the inconvenience caused.

Version 1.3 started with two pull requests from @Automate_Asia and @Dijker, but also includes a significant code restructuring to make the app full compatible with the current app store, Homey v4 (Node.JS v12) and make it easier to maintain:

Github’s summary: 9,034 changed files with 614,395 additions and 3,010 deletions . Albeit a bit influenced by adding ESLint node_modules; but all drivers / devices have been touched.

Formal (readable) change log:

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Thanks a lot!

Hi , thanks for all the great work. But since the last update my MH7 thermostat doesn’t work anymore. It is reachable but when i change the temperature --> “value” argument must not be a number == is the error that i get, restarted the app first, after that Homey but still the same result

I can confirm that error. Yesterday I didn’t try to change the temperature.

I sent you a diagnostic report: 241a2366-a1c8-4b0b-9040-9f9dd036c30f

Thanks for reporting. Should be corrected with version 1.3.3, which I just uploaded to the app store:

Can you support me to:

  1. install version 1.3.3: MCOHome App for Homey | Homey
  2. restart your Homey afterwards
  3. verify and confirm that the issue has been resolved?

Much appreciated!

Manual setting of temperature and mode is now possible without errors.
Many thanks for the fast support!

Thanks again! I’ll keep you posted as soon as the update came true

edit: everything works like a charm again now, many thanks!

Hey Ted, sorry to reaching out to you through this tread, but couldn’t find any other way to get in contact with you. You are more then welcome to reply to me through my mail adresse

email address removed, please use PM

Im reaching out to you since I found researched and found out that it seems like you are the only one how has ever been able to integrated the Danish company called Logic group in Denmark in homey…

The company has come out with a new totally awesome switches called Matrix ZDB5100 with integrated back light and may other nice features.

I was wondering if you current app would be compatible with this partical switch and if not, what would it take to have you giving it a shoot of making such an app?

Best regards

Hi guys.

I have the MCOHome MH7(H) Thermostat mounted in my badroom upstairs connected to homey downstairs. Has worked for couple of months but now it lost connection.

** Update **

it does update air moisture as well as idle status. it just does not control the temperature. Error message says TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_NO ACK. running 1.3.5

Have you ever done “Test” or “Heal” in Developer? Is the thermostat there reachable?

Any idea how to change from F to C on PM 2.5 display? Shows C in app.

It is described in the manual.

Well, I can assure you it was the first place I looked, and I would not bother to write a topic. But, still, even after your comment my question is the same, thanks for your expertise! Maybe we have different manuals, in mine and in the online version I do not find a solution to this!