[APP][Pro] Kodi (for Homey Pro 2023)

Good day Mark,

No I don’t have local files, I play everything via FEN (external). And unfortunately he doesn’t see what he’s playing yet. But even if he starts playing, he doesn’t see in homey that he’s playing anything, I first have to put him on pause and then play again then homey recognizes it.

Here is the log


Hi Wilfried,

Thanks for your logging, I can do something with that.

Could you maybe give me a little more information about how you play content? I noticed that it can find active players. (do you have the content locally, for example?)

Unfortunately I won’t be home this week, not until next Monday. I will then look at the problems and push a new version.



Hey mark

Thank you for your time and effort, the video of the car is from YouTube that’s why he doesn’t recognize him.

I’m waiting for the new update.

Thnx :ok_hand:t3:

I will test another skin, which I am using now is still in beta status.

Hi all,

The last couple of days I had some other priorities, so developing the app was on hold.
In between I did some analysis of the log files and the biggest problems seems to be related to the fact content is playing that is a stream or something.

In this situation, Kodi does recognise content is playing but does not have a player ID. This situation causes problems in loading content data like type (movie, show, etc) and additional info.

Sinds a lot of functions are programmed like there is an active ID I need to change these things. I will make a start with it and keep you guys informed about the progress.

I also try to create a situation on my system, which makes testing easier. In my case, all content is known by Kodi because the content is on the file system.

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Hi Wilfried83,

I’ve tried to install Fen but it seems that it’s a service I need to pay for.
That’s a pitty, can’t test with this add-on.



Hi mark

Why does the link no longer work to download the beta? I had done a new reset about honey, but now I can’t download the beta anymore.

Can you send a new link.

Thanks in advance

Hi Wilfried,

The Beta link is automatically removed by Athom when I’ve created a new version.
As I mentioned I’m busy to change some stuff in the code, when there is a new version to push to Beta I will let you know.



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Hey mark,

Hope all is well with you?
What about the upcoming update?

Thanks in advance

Any update on when this app will be available?