[APP][Pro] Kia and Hyundai

@Gruijter looks like i am starting to get polling errors started today around 16:00 utc time. Anyone else getting this?

All is still good for me. Try logging out and in again from the official app if the problem persists.

[err] 2022-03-16 11:23:12 [uvo] [dev] doPoll failed @EuropeVehicle.fullStatus: [503] Service Unavailable on [GET] https://prd.eu-ccapi.kia.com:8080/api/v2/spa/vehicles/6b984d78-a7d2-4bdd-b35b-078958a7fd85/status/latest - {“retCode”:“F”,“resCode”:“5031”,“resMsg”:“Unavailable remote control - Service Temporary Unavailable”,“msgId”:“21359659-b704-4aef-b7c2-482ad7a5984c”}

503 errors. I have tried reconnecting and restarting the app a couple of times.

// Ted

But what does the official UVO app say?

Found the problem. Turns out that for some reason the servicelist have been deactivated for both my cars. But i turned them on and restarted the app again and it works now. :slight_smile: wonder what caused them to be deactivated.

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KIA seems to be messing with the server again. Since noon today, Homey can no longer reach my vehicle. I get an immediate connection via the UVO app. Does anyone else have this problem?

Just did a refresh from Homey and that worked fine (Kia)

Homey Restart, no success
Homey PTP, no success
The vehicle is accessible for about 2 minutes and then goes back to error.
I have not made any changes to the setting

Does this help ?

Instructions	Logs
Delete logs

[log] 2022-05-25 14:22:44 [uvo] [dev] Start polling server Niro Uwe @ 15 minute interval
[err] 2022-05-25 14:22:44 [uvo] [dev] Ignoring queued command; not logged in
[log] 2022-05-25 14:22:44 [uvo] [dev] Device will restart in 300 seconds
[log] 2022-05-25 14:22:44 [uvo] [dev] Queue is flushed
[err] 2022-05-25 14:22:42 [uvo] [dev] Ignoring queued command; not logged in
[log] 2022-05-25 14:22:42 [uvo] [dev] Forcing status refresh via app
[err] 2022-05-25 14:22:29 [uvo] [dev] Ignoring queued command; not logged in
[log] 2022-05-25 14:22:29 [uvo] [dev] registering listeners
[log] 2022-05-25 14:22:29 [uvo] [dev] Google Directions enabled: false
[log] 2022-05-25 14:22:29 [uvo] [dev] ABRP enabled: false
[err] 2022-05-25 14:22:29 [uvo] [dev] R [ManagedBluelinkyError]: @EuropeController.login: [500] Internal Server Error on [POST] https://prd.eu-ccapi.kia.com:8080/api/v1/user/signin - {"error":"There was a problem proxying the request"} at U (/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:11700) at ne. (/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:39834) at Generator.throw () at a (/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:136) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) { source: GotError [HTTPError]: Response code 500 (Internal Server Error) at EventEmitter. (/node_modules/got/source/as-promise.js:74:19) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) { host: 'prd.eu-ccapi.kia.com:8080', hostname: 'prd.eu-ccapi.kia.com', method: 'POST', path: '/api/v1/user/signin', socketPath: undefined, protocol: 'https:', url: 'https://prd.eu-ccapi.kia.com:8080/api/v1/user/signin', gotOptions: { path: '/api/v1/user/signin', protocol: 'https:', slashes: true, auth: null, host: 'prd.eu-ccapi.kia.com:8080', port: '8080', hostname: 'prd.eu-ccapi.kia.com', hash: null, search: null, query: null, pathname: '/api/v1/user/signin', href: 'https://prd.eu-ccapi.kia.com:8080/api/v1/user/signin', retry: [Object], headers: [Object], hooks: [Object], decompress: true, throwHttpErrors: true, followRedirect: true, stream: false, form: false, json: true, cache: false, useElectronNet: false, method: 'POST', body: '{"email":"info@xxxxxx","password":"xxxxxxxxxxx"}', cookieJar: [CookieJar] }, statusCode: 500, statusMessage: 'Internal Server Error', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', date: 'Wed, 25 May 2022 14:22:29 GMT', 'content-length': '59', connection: 'close', 'set-cookie': [Array] }, body: { error: 'There was a problem proxying the request' } } }
[err] 2022-05-25 14:22:16 [uvo] [dev] Ignoring queued command; not logged in
[log] 2022-05-25 14:22:16 [uvo] [dev] Forcing status refresh via flow
[log] 2022-05-25 14:20:46 logfile deleted


Actually that does suggest a server or network issue. Maybe only in Germany there is an issue?

Edit: I now also have troubles connecting :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Edit 2: but the official Kia app is also down. So it is server related.

At the moment it works again for me !

Same here :partying_face:

Robin have something i have been wondering … is it possible to pull the monthly driving total from Kia for current month and the previus month and maybe for the year … well you get my idea :wink:

Do you mean the odometer value, or something else?
What do you want to achieve? Know how many km you drove this day, this month and this year?

Not the odometer that is the car total. And you have that already.

In Kias own app as you know there is the information for “My Trips” … It would have been nice to summerize for the current month, prev. month distance in km. I would actualy have liked to use those 2 values in homey from the cars. for calculational use.

Is that doable?

Is one sneaky way of doing it and that is to store the odometer value on the 1th 00:00 and calc it out… it aint maybe the mopst reliable exact way of doing it without pulling it from kia but doable.

In Germany, the Kia UVO has failed completely. The vehicle reports the error that no mobile phone connection can be established. The UVO app and Homey app therefore do not work either.
Is anyone else having these problems?

Both stil works for me.

Exactly. If you are interested how many km you drove this month, simply substract the odometer value from 1st of the month from the value at the end of the month. The odometer value is coming from the car itself, so why should that be less accurate then combining individual trip info?

Gonna have a look on writing something for that :slight_smile:

You could abuse PBTH to do it for you. Just create a virtual summarizer and send any odometer change to it via a flow. Automagically it will give you the kilometers you drove per day, month and year (just ignore the power related info)