[APP][Pro] iVisions

Hi everyone,

the original developer transferred the app to me. And with the help of a friend of mine, we upgraded the SDK.

And now its available again for Homey Pro.

The test version is available.

We are doing some changes and it then it will go life.


I have a problem with the iVisons app since the update on january 10th it is not recognizing the screen anymore and it turns up in the Homey app as a red triangle. I tried restarting the app, stopping it and installing it again, but it doesn’t seem to work. After that I checked what was changed and I saw that there was an update on january 10th, so ofcourse I blame it on that, but does anyone else have the same problem?

Hi @Marco_Lub,

the app was updated to SDK3. What device do you have?

Cinema 4K Series projectionscreen

Die heb ik ook… kan je diagnostic report versturen?

It worked! Just removed all and reinstalled it and it worked as new

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