[APP][Pro] IcalCalendar

that is indeed what I am using.

I might be able to sync the invite with my Gmail and then pick it up there?

Hi @runely ,

any possibility to get the recurring issue solved on exchange?

thanks in advance!

Hi there!
After showing up too early for my late shift (again) I realized that my flow is most likely not correct, and I seek advice.

What I would like to achieve is:

  • extract an event coating “A-” from tomorrows events for further handling

Challenges with this for me:

What would be very handy is if this flow card would actually return a tag containg the search/filter results.

Apparently, that´s not the case, so I am looking for (another) solution…


Since yesterday my Google calendars have stopped syncing (sync error notifications all the time). I’ve checked my Google secret ics and readded them in Homey, but the errors keep getting in and calendars don’t sync.
Are there other people with similar issues?

Edit: the same Google calendar’s ics still works in Outlook, I’ve just added an appointment in Google and it appeared in Outlook. So it seems to be just the Homey app that cannot sync.

Just tested and no errors. Can you share the error the card for syncing ‘manually’ shows?

You could try to reinstall the app (without removing)

That flow card you suggest change for, Calendar has event(s) where property matches given value and optionally starts within ..., is a condition card.

A condition card can only return a boolean, either true or false.

So the suggestion for having it to return a tag is not possible.

For the other thing, that the tag Tomorrows events, interpretes more events than the calendar actually contains sounds really weird. This tag shows each imported event for tomorrow that IcalCalendar has imported.

Could you please create a new flow, add the condition card Specific event is ongoing, click the Select event, and check in the presented list how many events are imported for tomorrow.

The manual sync card itself doesn’t return errors, it just shows finished in 4ms.

Homey sends this push notifications in the meantime:

Sounds like your Homey are having problems reaching the calendar provider.

Have you tested with other calendar providers?

Are you sure your Homey have internet access?
Are some of the traffic from your Homey being blocked somehow?

Runely, any progress on the recurring invites on Outlook echange?

Nope. Not looked at it. Haven’t had time and there’s been vacation and summer

Oke. Too bad. Unfortunately I can’t help, so will patiently wait :grinning:

It’s the only app that doesn’t work, many other app use cloud services via internet, and I’m also able to access all Homey features when not at home, so I assume the internet works correctly. I don’t know if IcalCalendar uses specific ports that I should enable on my router though, but I haven’t changed anything in my internet setup.

I’ve tried to add another Google Calendar, configured it in the app settings, then hit save. Closed the settings menu, then reopened. The added calendar showed up. The Calendar device didn’t include the new calendar in the count and when reopening the app, the new calendar entirely disappeared. Not sure what’s going on here.

Last sync date for the other calendar shows 1970 and still returning sync errors every 15 minutes. I’ve readded the ical URL, of which I’m quite convinced that it’s correct.


IcalCalendar fetches the ics content from the url you have provided.
For this to work the calendar url you use must be open without any kind of authentication used.

Please follow these troubleshooting steps: Troubleshooting steps

I need to use 10 ical feeds. I cant add more than one ical device and one ical feed url. I have a small hotel and each room has own ical calendar url. Any idea how to manage?

If you had read the readme for the app in Homey App Store or readme on IcalCalendar GitHub page, you’ve seen that calendars (name and URL) are added in the settings on the app.

Just a word of caution: Importing many iCal calendars can be very resource intensive and in worst case lead to resource exhaustion.

Hey… I’m using the IcalCalendar app - and it is working great for me - but I really like it to be in danish if possible - when the Calendar reads out the next events - then the “to” between the start and end date are in english. Is is possbile in any way to get this in danish so the “to” becomes “til” - it sounds quite funny when it is read out loud on the speakers… :slightly_smiling_face:

This is added in the next release, v2.9.0, coming out soon :tada:


I have a problem with the flow. See screenshot:


I have split the name of the schedule to “Vakantie” and “Vakantie Atilla” to specify if I am only on a trip or with family together. But the problem is is that “Vakantie Atilla” is also recognized as “Vakantie”. So both of flowcards are triggered as “YES”. But I just want to specify that only “Vakantie Atilla” is being triggered as noted in my agenda.

Why is this happening. Does the app not exclude on exact match of word phrase?

I also tested as “Vakantie(Atilla)” but the flowcard “Vakantie” is still being triggered as “YES”.

Every user can help with the translation of the community apps. Just contact the app developer and ask.
However, ChatGPT is now used by some app developers for translation, just like @runely did. But if you discover any mistakes, you can also contact the app developer and point them out.