[APP][Pro] HomeyLink - Link multiple Homey Pros for unified device control

Hmmm, so you can rule out issues with your wifi network.
What if you just install the HL app on H1 again, without removing it in advance?

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Well Done Peter :muscle:, it worked!:pray: (I have removed HL app on H2).

on my H1, an HL H1 shortcut with a warning as appeared 1 or 2 days before last update, ( in my mind that shortcut wasn’t there when i have installed HL )
What is this shortcut for?

Thanks again for your precious help!

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I have an old homey 2016. Can you please add the possibility to also start advanced flows

need your help one more time :hugs:
once HL installed and working with the devices already installed on H2, I can’t find the way to add a new device from my H2 to my H1 using HL🧐…
I’ve added my device to H2, but it doesn’t appear in H1 I have Tried to repair and restarted the Hl and H1 but still nothing☹️… do you have any idea to solve this?
Thank you!
Can’t find where I’m wrong.

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Same issue @KvM different hardware. I have Aqara Wireless Mini Switch 2018 and when connected to Homey 2019 through HomeyLink to Homey Pro 2023 I only see battery flows, no buttons. I use 2019 as closer to this Zigbee device. Any ideas if this button press flow “When” action is supposed to be missing? It is present on 2019.

Turn it around: With Homeylink, you can start a flow on the Pro23 with the switch on the Pro19

Thanks @Peter_Kawa , I’ll give that a try. So expected behaviour then? Ie reduced flow options through HomeyLink?

The only restriction I can think of is the flow trigger should be “This flow is started”, or some other things (time triggers I think).

The flow itself should be created on the Pro23 and has no restrictions.
On the Pro 19, you can trigger that flow via Homeylink:

My example: A button @ Homey2 starts a flow residing @ Homey1:

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Same issue here with an Aqara push button.
There is no flowcard “when button is pressed” on HP23 when I connect this button on HP19 via HomeyLink

Can this be added @Emile and/or @Doekse?