[APP][Pro] HomeyLink - Link multiple Homey Pros for unified device control

For zigbee networks which overlap, it’s best to set them to different channels, with respect to your wifi 2.4GHz channel (which should be on a fixed channel)
Pro 2019: You can change the zigbee channel here, and you’d know, possibly not all devices can find the new channel on their own, just re-pair those.
Pro 2023: not sure if you can change the channel manually.
If not, the only way is the way Dijker alr explained: first, fix the 2.4GHz wifi channel, and next, reset the zigbee network; It’ll find and use the most quiet channel.

Extended Zigbee info here

Thank you :blush: , will give it a try.

Is there a specific reason that this cannot work on a Homey Bridge rather than a Pro (as the second device)? I have a large network (150 or so zigbee devices) and due to Aqara devices disappearing, I have them on a separate MQTT/Home Assistant server and on an Aqara M2 hub and bring them into Home via Zigbee2MQTT, the Home Assistant Integration, or Matter. When I was running Home Assistant as my primary controller, I had to do the same. Essentially, Aqara does not play well with others when the network gets large, so they need to be segregated… Once segregated to their own Zigbee network, they play happily and are stable.

But bringing them in this way means a lot of work arounds, since things like the 2x, 3x and long button presses are not natively supported via the Z2M and Home Assistant integrations, so have to work around this a bit.

Would be really nice to just add a Bridge and let it host the Aqara zigbee network. I thought that the Bridge had a Zigbee radio and could be a controller? Is this just a money grab to make us buy a second homey pro? Or is there a technical limitation :frowning:

Is it me, or does this app seems to be very useless? Or is that just in my case:

-I have a 2 homeys (Latest homey pro, and a homey pro 2019).
-I moved some zigbee switches to the 2019 homey, because my main homeys zigbee network became too big and unstable
-I used homesh satelite until now, but this new homeylink app sounded way easier and very promising
-I added my devices using the homeylink app to my main homey.
-Now I want to make a flow and can only choose the following cards:

Why can I for a simple button (Philips Hue smart Button) not choose something like “button is pressed”?

Am I doing something wrong?

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Homey Bridge is just a ‘dumb’ piece of hardware.
When you mean Homey cloud/premium by that:
Only Athom knows: please inform @ homey.app/support

Also, in my humble opinion, Homey cloud is clearly not the same device as Homey Pro.
I don’t get why people think it should have the same options and possibilities.

What capabilities does the Pro that the bridge lacks in regards to being a Zigbee coordinator? The Bridge can act as a coordinator, so why can’t it act as a relay to a pro instead of the cloud?.

I’m also using Homesh with my 2 2019’s HP.

Is it possible to use Homeylink for some devices while keeping Homesh active for other devices?

Yes you can. They are doing similar things but not interfering at all.

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The difference is a lot faster CPU that does the talking to the zigbee chip.
Homey bridge connected to the cloud has that “same” cpu in the cloud talking to the zigbee chip of the bridge, the cpu in the bridge itself is only an ESP32 and too slow/not configured for this task at all.

Relaying Zigbee commands is not cpu intensive. I have an old raspberry pi3b that is acting as a coordinator and relay. All it needs to do is relay the commands via homeylink to the Pro. This is hardly a demanding operation.

The Pro is running Homey locally. The bridge isn’t running Homey apps. Homey core and Homey apps for the bridge users are run in a cloud environment as a service.

Athom decided not to allow this app to run from their cloud infra. That’s it.
Has nothing to do with Zigbee coordinator or other chips. The bridge is just a couple of remote antennas and IR transmitter with a LED ring.

And the Homey Bridge only runs it own firmware to connect to Cloud and possibly to the Local Homey Pro 2023 if it is configured a satellite.

I have successfully linked my 2 Homeys but it doesn’t work from both ends.
The second trial (ie. from B to A) fails due to a timeout.

P.S. I find it odd to have the both homeys suggested as end links

After login oAuth just shows a list of all Homey’s on that account it doesn’t know who is asking to authorize for what (fe for CLI install or so) but you shouldn’t select the Homey you originate from.

Will the two Homeys (always) communicate via Internet (a.k.a. “cloud”) or via LAN once connected, at least, if both are within the same network? I.e. in case of an Internet outage one would still be able to control the main Homey today. Would one still be able to control the linked one thru the main one as well or just by changing to the other Homey in the app? - Especially for connected flows this might be interesting to know.

I’m going to try it next week too, because I also had the email and tried it immediately, but that didn’t go smoothly yet, so I’ll continue practicing this week. It is not easy to install yet.

Anyone encountered the same problem?

Which Homey models?
My Pro 2019’s won’t connect.

Emile is aware:


Both are 2023’s

Got the same issue with a round Xiaomi mi switch. ( no on/off cards🤗)
Works perfectly with innr 220v devices.
(Hp 2019 same wifi network for both.)

I have disabled my internet connection , and everything responds as it should work . (Hp2019 same wifi network)