[APP][Pro] Homematic App - Connect Homematic with Homey

Hi Jonathan,

How did you connect the wall thermostats to the CCU? I have an existing heating system and recently bought the CCU. All my thermostats are already paired with the heating unit, but I can’t seem to connect the wall thermostats to the CCU.

Could you maybe help me with that?

which devices have you Connect now to the ccu radiator thermostat?


I have 5 wall thermostats connected to 1 heating distributor with 12 groups.

It’s from another brand, but on the internet they say it should work with Homematic CCU3.

Exact Devices:
Distrubutor Mohlenhoff Alpha
Wall Thermostats

And together they are working properly, only the connection with the CCU will not succeed.

So maybe you have to ask the company where you bought these devices or the manufacturer of these devices. Because this is not a problem regarding Homey or the Homematic app.

Furthermore, the devices may not be original ELV/Q3 devices, so they may not be supported by the Homematic app. Btw, according to the device list in the app store, none of the “floor heating actuators” are supported by the app anyway. So your device will most likely not be supported either.

If only the wall thermostats are needed for heating control (also in Homey), then it might be possible that the wall thermostats are supported by the Homematic app. But of course, these must first be connected to the CCU.
Which CCU did you buy?

I bought the Homematic IP CCU3. € 150,-

I will need to figure out where it is bought, because it’s an existing installation of a house which I bought.

But I will try to get that info from the manufacturer. But it seemed like the lay-out of homematic and my devices where quite similar.

Thank You! And indeed it is not an homematic Homey app issue, but I thought Jonathan was facing the same issue, he would be able to help me.

Ok, the CCU3 is supported by the Homematic app.

Yes, you’re right, the devices look like Homematic devices. But if they are rebranded, I don’t know if they, resp. the wall thermostat, will be supported by the Homematic app.
For Z-Wave and Zigbee devices, each device has a manufacturer ID and a device ID. If these IDs do not match the IDs in the app (for example sometimes by rebranded devices), then these devices are not supported.
However, I don’t know if this is also the case with Homematic. If you managed to connect the devices with the CCU3, then you can only try out if these devices, resp. only the wall thermostat, are supported by the app.

I did add the wall thermostat of homematic ip to the ccu but my problem is that it does not get a list of supported in the homey app, otherwise it works, but I only work with homematic ip products in composition with ccu and no other I have no experience with that


If this is not the right place to ask such a question, please let me know. I’m quite experienced with Homey, but Homematic IP is a new thing for me.

I plan to replace my wall switches with Homematic IP motion sensors and switches. So I setup a CCU3, installed CCU-Jack and installed the Homematic App on my Homey and set the CCU up. So far this seems to work.

Then I taught-in a wall switch the HmIP-WRC6 at the CCU. From what I can see, it looks good. But not 100% sure. Then I added a new device in Homey. After selecting the switch, I get the entry “CCU(”, select this go to Next and then select the switch. It then shows up in the Devices tab. When I create a test flow (if button 1 is pressed short, send a push notification) nothing happens. Same for other buttons.

So I suspect there is some issue with the information exchange between Homey and the CCU3.

Any ideas? Did I miss something in the CCU / switch configuration?


Quick update: I managed to get one button working. However I created a program in the CCU - just a simple „set system variable when button is pressed“. Do I really have to create a „stupid“ program in HM for each button to get it working in Homey? :laughing:

Ok, found the issue. It is described here: Faq · rdmtc/RedMatic Wiki · GitHub (sorry german only)

One more thing: Did anyone get the HmIP-SMI55-2 running? The HmIP-SMI55 is officially supported, but not the one with the 2. If not, is there any chance to get it implemented? :slight_smile:

Ich denke, dass du nur warten kannst, bis der Entwickler ein Update zur Verfügung stellt. Wann das passiert, kann nur er sagen.

Evtl. lässt sich in der Zwischenzeit etwas mit NodeRed oder Webhooks basteln. Aber ich kann nicht einschätzen, wie zuverlässig das dann läuft.


I think you can only wait until the developer provides an update. When this happens, only he can say.

Maybe you can build something with NodeRed or Webhooks in the meantime. But I can’t estimate how reliable that will run then.

@FrankHoffmann @johannes1702

If you could please keep the conversation in English as much as possible, then more people will be able to participate and help you. If you would rather not or can’t communicate in English then please check out Non-English boards/catregories:

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Deutsch (German),

Sorry, just replied in German as it was German :blush:

Hello Timo,

today i received my “Homey Gateway” and meanwhile i recognized that the “Homematic” app can´t be installed. Is this planned from your side to support in the future “Homey Gateway” ?

Regards, Rainer

Hello all!

I’ve been looking for a way to add some existing devices to Homey, but I needed a simple on/off contact (I’m not sure it’s the correct terminology, but I need it to open a door, so the ‘dumb’ switch that controls it now is a pulse switch) AND it had to be battery powered, since there is no mains wire where it needs to be built in. It’s similar to how many curtain/sunscreen modules work, but these are either powered into the mains, or need it’s own 12/24V power.

I thought I finally found a module that could do this in the HmIP-FCI1. Still not entirely sure though, so please tell me if I’m not understanding correctly what it does. Still, even if it does, pairing it to Homey seems almost impossible. I haven’t read the entire thread (it’s rather long ;-)) but I did a basic search for this specific module and I couldn’t find it.

Since the app doesn’t support it, does that mean that it can’t be paired to Homey, not even using a CCU3? To be honest right now even that seems a tad too technical for me, but hey, I can learn. Not if it can’t be done though :wink:

Can anyone help me with this? It seems HM doesn’t even support IFFT. I could find one IoT platform they support (Home | Conrad Connect) but that is to be discontinued in a couple of days :frowning: I’d like to have local control anyway, but still. I’ve contacted Homematic and their response basically was “we don’t support third party integration”.

Can anyone help me with this?

I’m not sure if I understand your use case exactly.
You need something something to OPEN the door, e.g. with the smartphone, right.

This is a device to open the door. It also works with a 9 V block battery.

Or do you need something to receive an info if someone rang the door bell?
With the HmIP-FCI1 module you receive a signal, if e.g. a magnetic contact was closed or opened (door/window sensor) or a button was pressed, e.g. a doorbell. But you can’t send an electric pulse.

Oh yeah, I wasn’t clear about that. There is a door opener in place. I just want to be able to control it through Homey. I want to place a module behind the existing button, similar to an input device you would put behind an existing light switch. The only difference being it has to be a pulse signal, and there is no mains wire.

But I see that I indeed did not understand this device. I thought it could use a remote input and then switch the two connected wires, but it’s the other way around, if I understand you correctly. So it cannot receive a signal and then switch a device, but only sent a signal when the device is being switched on through other means? That’s a bummer, I’ll just have to keep looking then.

It’s really the same principle as most any curtain or sunscreen switch I am looking for, with the difference being it has to be battery controlled and fit behind an existing wall switch.

Would this be an option for your use case?

Works with Homey too.


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There must be a power supply, how else will it work?
The only question is how much voltage. Probably 12 or 24 volts. If that were the case, then it might be possible with the Fibaro Smart Implant or the Shelly Uni.
But to be able to make a concrete statement, more precise information is needed.


Hence the need for a battery powered device :wink:

But as I understand it, the Fibaro and Shelly smart implants both can output a Z-wave when it detects a switch, but cannot switch itself after receiving a signal remotely. Correct me if I’m wrong, but as I see it, they both can do what you just explained me the HmIP-FCI1 does. Which is not useful in my case.

You know what, it might. For the front door. My door opener is an older model though, so I’ll have to check compatibility. It won’t work for the other doors, as they aren’t wired into the intercom. But I have been looking for some kind of module that might fit the intercom and couldn’t find it so far. So thanks for that, I’ll definitely try to find out more.

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