MyHomey Web UI - Page still under construction

Hello Community,
I need to install an Add-On CCU Jack for connecting Homeatic(EQ-3) devices. It was mentioned to do so via the Web App under Settings-> additional Software.

For me the settings page is under construction since using this app for a week.

Do you face similar issues?

I use a Homematic CCU3 and the Homey Homematic App with CCU Jack, but I don’t understand exactly what you want, sorry.
What do you mean with:

Here are some infos about how to install CCU Jack on the CCU:

If this is done, you have to choose CCU Jack as connection type in the Homey Homematic app and fill 1883 in the row “CCU Jack Settings”.

Hi Fantross,
thanks a lot for the quick response. I think there is a natural misunderstanding on my end. I had a qivicon (telekom) which is broken. I thought that I could integrate my EQ-3 sensors directly to homey.

If I get it right the CCU which is mentioned is a dedicated hardware and not the Homey. So I need to order a homematic.
Would a Homematic IP Access Point be sufficient?
I need to pair my sensors with the new homatic device first and homey later on is detecting such devices?

Sorry for asking such stupid questions :flushed:


Yes, you need a CCU (CCU2, CCU3 or RaspberryMatic). The IP Access Point is not supported!

Yes, first you have to connect the Homematic devices with the Homematic gateway (CCU) and then you’re able to add them with Homey.
Please check in the Homey app store, if your Homematic devices are supported by the Homey Homematic app. Actually the app seems not to be maintained, so it’s not possible to ask the app developer for adding new devices. But I hope it’s just a little break.