[APP][Pro] Homematic App - Connect Homematic with Homey

hi. thanks for your answer and for all infos. I will read the post you suggested.

in my CCU3 there is the device HmIP-SWDO. if I open the door, the device recognize the change of status and show that the door is open. it seems all fine. I added the same device into homey. in the homey app I see the device correctly. but, if I open the door, homey does’t react. I don’t see in homey, that the status changed. and I cannot create any flow with it, because the homey doesn’t show me the device, when I want to make the first step in the flow. I select the homematic app, and no devices are listed.

it’s a pity that the device HmIP-BSL isn’t supported and that Timo doesn’t maintain the app. I would appreciate if this device will be supported in the future. I could replace the app with the new one without problems. if there is any news about that, how can I get them?

How can the device be correctly added but you don’t see the device in the device overview of the Homematic app? Maybe you can post some screenshots?

Btw, these are not the right settings. So please read the mentioned post first and try to add the device again.

When the device is added to the current app, a new app version is published in the App Store.
When a new app is developed, it is also published in the App Store.
If you have made a request on GitHub, you will get a feedback when the request is updated.


Another option is to use the community store. I think the live app and the community app can run in parallel, f.i. the tado° v3.x and v1.x and probably the Google Nest / SDM apps

hi. I tried as you described and it works! thank you a lot, really.

for the new app or the new device (HmIP-BSL): I will wait for a solution. I will try to keep updated about it. it would be nice if homematic-app doesn’t get forget from developers. thank you again.

Hello, can you please integreat from Homematic this product HM-LC-Dim1T-PI-3.


Hello Great work!
It is possible to integrate the Homematic HmIP- -K-DRBLI4

Hi Timo,

Awesome work! Is it possible to add the doorlock sensor HmIP-DLS?

Hope it’s possible, thanks in advance!

I am currently have some Homematic devices (HMIP-STHO, HMIP-WTH-B).
Instead of the CCU3 I have HMIP-HAP Access point and I want to connect these devices to
Homey pro App, but i can not.
I downloaded th Homematic App in Homey App and when i choose the Homematic device, it says not found.
Can you advice/ guide me, please.

As mentioned in the app description, only these gateways are supported:

So HMIP-HAP APs are not supported, and as far as I know it’s technical not possible to include these access points to the Homematic app.

Hi fantross,
Thank you!
Another question, could i connect wifi smart button with Homey pro App?
Its connected with Smartlife App.

Sorry, but this question seems to be OT. Could you please create a new topic for this. Thx

Here’s the place to ask
and the answer is in there too.

Hi, I was missing two (new) devices: HMIP-SWDO-PL & HMIP-eTRV-E. Both not supported in the current version of the App :frowning: Now looks like @Timo doesn’t maintain the app anymore.

I had a look into the Source code. Really well structured. I was able to use existing devices as templates to add SWDO-PL & eTRV-E. Works well on my Homey.

Happy to share with others. But since @Timo owns the App and the Github repository I can’t easily help updating the original app. And according to previous post seems like I can’t just publish a parallel version. Any ideas how this updated version could be shared?

Thanks Lars

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I’ve cloned the code of the app and created a new Github repository. Basically added two new devices. Also added short description on how to use this version vs the app store version.

Make sure you backup your homey before. No guarantees and no support. All on your own risk.
It works for me on CCU3 with CCUJack and no CCxD


Hi. I’d like to connect the BSL too. Is there any news about that? How can we request it? Thanks

I am thinking about getting a Homey Pro but I depends on if this app is still supported or not. I have a huge Homematic IP setup and I am not planning on replacing anything till I know where the Matter train is heading. Does this app still work?

This app works and will work with the new Homey Pro (Early 2023). But if you’ve looked at the thread, you’ve probably also noticed that the app hasn’t been maintained in a while and the app developer doesn’t answer. So you can expect that no more devices will be added, or (minor) bugs will be fixed.
To find out which Homematic devices are currently supported, check the App Store.

Thanks for the fast reply. I appreciate it. Yes I did notice that. As long as the app works till I switch to Matter devices it would be fine. I only have devices that are already supported. It is a great pity that Timo does not answer anymore. I hope he is fine though an in good health. Wish you all the beat for the upcoming year.

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Hi all,
After a few days of trying to add my CCU3 to work with Homey Pro, reading this post and others, I surrender or better try to get help from the community.
Aim is to connect CCU3 via CCU-Jack. So far everything installed, configured according to the infos in this post (Firewall, ports, etc. in CCU), Homey-App (CCU Jack setting, no pw) and I can see my CCU3 in Stored bridges incl. IP-address. IP-address for both homey and CCU3 are permanent.

And now it looks as follows:

  1. I have one HmIP-eTRV-2 connected to CCU3 => working, updating, fine
  2. adding this device via Homey: „New devices found“ => I choose this thermostat (shown with logo of HmiP-eTRV-2, but named CCU (IP-address) => „NEXT“ => „no new devices found“.

That‘s it, that‘s the story.

Any suggestions? I am glad about any help.

Screenshots of the firewall settings, the Zusatzsoftware window on the CCU3 and of the configuration page of the Homey Homematic app (please make the serial number unrecognizable!) might be helpful.

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