[APP][Pro] Google Services - App for Translate and new Text-to-Speech for any device with url input

Got it working :-).
Choose a differrent voice, restarted the app. and now its working :grinning:

One final question: Does the free version stop after 90 days?

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Yeah, the trial-account stops, but you can freely upgrade to full account: it will not cost anything. The 4 million characters per month is for private use. I’ve been using it for a long time, and every month I get a €0 invoice.

See this topic for other people confirming this.


Did read this, but even after I have added the JSON (checked by JSONLint - The JSON Validator),
and pushed the Save button.
there is still no list of voices visible, only a black bar:
What have I done wrong?

Try a restart of the Google Service App?
Is your JSON still saved?

Dit (again) a restart, this time I got a message to goto :
I had to do an ‘Enable’ and something with pricing, after that, the Voices are shown.
Thanks for the help.

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I’m trying to replace the TTS app with the Google Services app just for basic TTS. I noticed one unexpected setting with the Volume for my devices. The range seems off: not 0-100% as expected, but I see -96% - 16%?

Also it does not seem to do much on my Google Mini’s. How this is supposed to work?

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Sorry, I will change the description: it’s a volume GAIN, so 0 means normal volume. You can increase the volume of the created mp3-stream, but it has limited range that functions. I programmed the limits Google allowe, but functioning gain would be between -15 and + 10.

You have to set a standard volume in the “Url is triggered” flow, for example 30 %.
Like this:

Then you can adjust the volume in the “Start saying … at volume” flow.
As Arie already said, 0 means “normal volume”, in this case 30,0 %.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-29 um 13.52.34

Plus (+) means louder (than 30,0 %).
Minus (-) means quieter (than 30,0 %).

It would be definitely easier to use a normal 0 - 100 % volume range in the “Start saying … at volume”.

Mmmm… I don’t see a “… at volume x %” option on the Play URL card of the device? I really need an absolute volume %, so I ended up adding a card “Set volume to 35%” to the flow that casts to url the device for now.

My flow is made for Sonos speaker, maybe it looks a bit different for your Google Mini or this actioncard is not available. I don’t know because I don’t have any Google devices.

Hey @JeeHaa and @DirkG ,

Thinking about Volume being 0% to 100% is thinking about sound-output; so a speaker for example, being able to play between 0 and 100% of its potention.

This is not how soundfiles like MP3 work.
The generated MP3 (stream/file) bij Google has a curtain (default) volume (still “depending” on the volume of your output-device/speaker).

With the Gain you can increase or decrease the “volume” of the file, but it has very limited use: to much decrease and the “waves” in the MP3 are to low to have audiable output, and a to much increase of gain will eather create a useless file or an error.

The min/max are the min/max Google has set in the software; i just confirmed my App to there usage description.

I do see my hints are not showing up (shame), i just fixed it and updated the App which is now submitted for review. It has hints with the Volume Gain card explaining its an increase of dB (Decibel).

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I understand the functionality and the “problem” which makes this functionality necessary.
It would only be much more user-friendly if it were possible to play a sound or a text directly with a volume of 1 - 100% as it’s possible with Sonos or Alexa app, for example.

So it is a dream that cannot be fulfilled… :wink:

Thanks for the effort creating this app!
I have created separate Google Cloud TTS devices intended to use for each physical device.

I have successfully made it to do TTS for one om my Google Home devices, but I can’t figure out how to make my other devices run TTS. They simply don’t play. Here is one example:

When testing, it simply does nothing - just hangs there…

Some times I receive this message:

What am I doing wrong in order to get TTS on more than one device?

Nevermind - rebooted the network (wifi and router) and it started to work. I think it was a general problem with Chromecast on the network.

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Hi guys,

As a beginner with Homey I managed to to get the JSON file and added it to the app. Selected a voice. But I have troubles to get my Goggle Nest mini to say “I put on the airco at 17 degrees”

Does anybody have a few working sample flows for Google Nest Mini? Your help is very much appreciated.



You always need the 2 flows, the action starts with flow-2 (flow-1 is called automaticaly from flow-2)

Create/add a TTS device for your device.


Thx a lot @JPe4619. Now I hear the google lady telling us the Washdryer is ready. I didn’t know that I had to add the Google Nest Mini as a Chromecast.

:+1: :+1:

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Hello There,

Please tell me what i do wrong…

I put in the file all wel but it is not showing default languages

I heave 2 google minis

If you have pressed save, and no voices are visible, then probably something went wrong with the billing acception.