[APP][Pro] FTP Client - Control FTP Servers through a directory-based UI in the Homey App or Web App

I got a bit overheated and out of patience yesterday, Arie :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Still the flow does not spit out the expected images,
what am I doing wrong…
I’ve identical flows for my NAS and for the MicroWebServer.

Here’s the tef for the MWS


The timeline/Telegram cards return this from the THEN card ‘JSON Handler Start MWS fotos for [Files JSON]’:

From "Start MWS fotos JSON Handler" card: ["peterdeedash/assets/devices","peterdeedash/assets/AndroidPhonePortraitChrome.jpg","peterdeedash/assets/GoogleHub_view_with_tablet_theme.jpeg","peterdeedash/assets/Screenshot_20210514-175224.png","peterdeedash/assets/Screenshot_20210514-175240.png","peterdeedash/assets/menu_android_tablet.png"]

That’s all this flow spits out…

I created and selected a local tag for the JSON cards as well:
Screenshot from 2022-11-04 16-02-25

But this card now does not seem to trigger.

ADDED @ 22.00h
I ran a test flow. The “Get an image token” card returns this:


And when I test start the flow from the JSON Handler “MWS fotos” triggercard, with this string as “Item text”
Then the FTP “Get an Image token card” throws this error:

When error: Error FTP NAS 'Get an image Token for [tag]": 
 451 ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/userdata/files/[peterdeedash/assets/devices,peterdeedash/assets/AndroidPhonePortraitChrome.jpg,peterdeedash/assets/GoogleHub_view_with_tablet_theme.jpeg,peterdeedash/assets/Screenshot_20210514-175224.png,peterdeedash/assets/Screenshot_20210514-175240.png,peterdeedash/assets/menu_android_tablet.png]'

I’ll look into it peter, just not now: it’s kids time!

Or is is Dad time :rofl:) We will find out :slight_smile:

Stay up night, always fun.

No hurries again Arie! Just still a testing phase.
Depends on the kids right, which time it will be :upside_down_face: :partying_face:

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For everyone looking for TimeStamps:

[APP][Pro] Better logic - Just some better logic and variable management - Apps - Homey Community Forum

New in test:
Get a formatted stamp (local time):


And you can format it yourself just like you want it, giving the results during the typing:

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New in FTP Client test.

BLL coding support:

Example 1


This will result in the file:

Example 2


This will result in the file:

Other coding

Or you can use other datecodings, see the BLL Users Topic for more information on coding.

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Just added:
Support for HTTP/FTP Server App.
When you have HFS installed, during device creation, it will automaticly appear in the list to be selected from.
Also some minor bugfixes for handling files and directories in the Root directory.

FTP Client has just been updated to work with the White HPs and the HP2023 again.

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FTP has just been updated with a new Flowcard:

Save a Base64-string/text as File on the FTP Client (can be used for the Log of Simple Log or the Variables of Better Logic Library).

Here i save the complete log as Excel file on the FTP client.
This can be done automaticly each day :slight_smile:

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I installed the FTP client so I can export the Simple log data to my Synology Nas.
When I add the FTP client my Nas is there to choose but when I login with my credentials it says “This information is incorrect”

The FTP server is enabled with SSL/TLS and the user I login with has rights for FTP.

What am I doing wrong?


My bad, the app only tried unsecure after the default login window.
I have fixed that, and i have added a few logging lines, so, in case it doesn’t work wit 1.5.1, send me a diagnostic after trying to login.

It’s in test btw: FTP Client App for Homey | Homey

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I can login now so that works but I 'm getting errors when trying to export the simple log data.


All works fine with Filezilla so what am I doing wrong here or am I missing?

Even when login as Anonumous I get this error.
I think all settings are correct on my nas and firewall but maybe I missed something why it doesn’t work on Homey but does work with Filezilla?

Send me a diagnostic please?

Here you are.


Awell, thats nice, this time, i have a diag full of usefull information.
However, i am not familiar with the error and this might take some time to fix and simulate.

Would you mind a support ticket for it? Thanks!

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Take your time. No rush.


Hi @Arie_J_Godschalk

I have got uploading the Simple log to my nas working now without crashing the app.
I can only upload a maximum of days of info but that is okay.

One thing I run into is the name of the uploaded file.
I did not really notice this on the xlsx file for the Simple log but for images that I upload that come from my cameras.
When I add a date and time stamp the get’s a weird name like in the image below.
When only adding a date stamp the file looks good. It seems to be having issues with the time stamp.
I need these two stamps so the file swill not be overwritten.

This card end up in this image name.

With only a date added it looks like this.


Time will have a double dot : in it, which is not allowed for filenames. (I think, altho some files on my ftp server does have double-dots :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

You can use BLL coding tho.

Okay , I will have a look at the BLL coding.

I said that the Simple log upload works but not sure why but I get a 413 error when uploading the file now. This is only when exprting as Exel 64 file.
I want the file as a xlsx file because for me this is the best view. All other options are giving me confusing text.

I googled and a 413 error seems to be a file that is too large.
Perhaps because of some changes I have made to my simple log cards it has more information and the file is bigger?
Before I run my flow to upload the file the simple log will be downgraded to one day of info. The reset will be deleted.
This is the error I get, even on the error card I get an error 413 and that seems weird I think?

Uploading in xlsx from the developer page to my pc works just fine.


Hi @Arie_J_Godschalk , I used example 2 but this is giving me an error.


Any idea why?

Spontaneously it now suddenly works. Don’t ask me how and why.
The problem with the name has not changed.
This is what it looks like with this BLL code “{[date(‘shortdatetime’)]} doorbell.jpg”


Solved This line worked "{[date(‘shortdate’)]} {[date(‘time’)]}


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