Yeah, i can add a default/starting/root directory setting.
[APP][Pro] FTP Client - Control FTP Servers through a directory-based UI in the Homey App or Web App
Right click in the empty area, you should get a menu.
yes than i can upload some new file. but nothing happens.
It worked. disable secure in the settings. And then I was finally able to upload small file. Large files you do not see what he is doing.
Okay, i need to implement some error handlers and status indications.
Nice common sense check method!
Large file you can long wait for it. And you cant see of hi is uploading?
@Arie_J_Godschalk Is it possible to build something like a status icon for uploading?
Yeah, i am already working on some beter status indication.
How large is your file?
2,4 mb als test image file
On Synology?
Or Micro Web Server?
Or another?
With the micro web server ftp Android device upload.
Turns out, as far as i can tell, the default Homey API doesn’t allow for large files.
I created a fix for it: It will send all files that are to big in partial seqments (grouped together and split).
Also, big files could not be donwloaded, that is also fixed now.
Also, some memory improvements when working with big files (tested it with 10MB files myself this time around).
And some DragAndDrop UI improvements
I hope this helps.
is there in this version also an option to upload things using a flow, for example the snapshot tag?
Working on it!
Finishing the UI and UX for the direct folder/browser based explore, then i’ll add the diverse “upload” and “download”/retrieve as image/token/base64 flowcards.
Okay, version 1.0.4 is live: Drag And Drop, ContextMenu/Right-click/Long-Press etc all supported for mobiles now!
And now its working with larger files. And i see that homey something is doing
I uploaded, from a remote location, a 10MB mp3 to my nas (which runs in a VM on a Nuc)
Just updated to 1.1.0. Its live.
The Basic UI is done, and Drag and Drop with Scrolling works very neat on mobile and web aswell.
In Test:
A new flowcard: Retrieve image as token/tag.
You can use this for instance with the Advanced Virtual Devices from Device Capabilities which also has a new function: Camera images can now be set through a flowcard (instead of a url) with a image-token.
So you can update your AVD camera image with images on your FTP or on your Homey.
I’ll show it in the [APP][Pro] Advanced Virtual Device (Device Capabilities App) with Unique Text Status Indicator - Apps - Homey Community Forum
Hey Peter, see the new (in test) flowcard. It lets you retrieve (one) image as token which you can use in another app (like AVD → set camera actioncard )
I will create a flowcard to retrieve files based on a query-like system.
This will give you back an array/collection with filenames.
Then, with the Loop-system! from the JSON handler App, yoiu can loop / goto all items in the collection, retrieve the image as token and send or save it.
I think this is the only way it will work, because all other apps/flowcards can always(!) one handle one image-as-token.
And this way, you can use it any way you would like.
I will give the JSON handler flowcareds better descriptions as i walk through it…
@Arie_J_Godschalk, is also this function to upload a screenshot via tag card?