[APP][Pro] Fritzbox Bridge (v0.9.0) beta

Thank you for continuing to develop the app.

After the update, all thermostats had to be reinstalled because they were no longer accessible. But that was also good for checking the flows again.

Since the update, the temperature displays on the Dect devices are not updated automatically.
Even restarting the app does not change anything.

There was whether two representations should be used for a switch socket.
Up to now, the socket consumption was directly visible in the tile, otherwise the temperature display. The other parameters were of little interest. If they are to be merged, the On/Off switch, the temperature and the consumption should be visible, then both can be merged.

the temperature value should update as normal - can you double check the value shown on your fritzbox ? ( if it is different from what you see in homey, please submit data by the debug button on the settings menu ) if there is no value, it should show an empty space instead of an value.

the next version ( 0.9.8 ) introduce a universal driver ( replace all specific driver ) where you can change the device class via device settings to change the information that is shown on the tile ( also, you can select the shown value in the device setting for some device classes ).

if you want to add the same device multiple times, please enable the ‘Allow Multiple’ setting ( added in 0.9.8 ) - but be aware that flows might trigger multiple times on value changes

Thanks for that great update - it works like a charm!

im currently working on the button support ( DECT 400, DECT 440 ) - does anyone have one and could provide some example data ? ( by debug button in setting )


released 0.9.9 as beta ( last update before 1.0.0 )
dect 400 / 440 support and new flow cards ( only useable with universal driver )

( removed ignore energy option as it has not worked, there is a request about this feature for athom )

Thanks for the reply, and sorry for the delay - everything works perfectly - thank you very much

Hi to all.

There are 3 day’s that my fritzbox 7530ax dont comunicate with Homey When a device is connecting or is not connecting. Before 3 day’s ago all operates very well, but now not. I have to create a flow that when device-name tag is equal to the name of the device that is connected make a function. Now dont operates. Why?

hi, can you try to restart the app and check if it works in a new flow ?

Yes, i i have rstart the app (Fritzbox Bridge) and i have re-write in a new flow, but don’t operates…

can you send me a diagnostic report ? cant replicate your behaviour on my end

hi, i do not get any data, 24925c61-3c00-40a8-a73e-522119084245, what should i check?

Hello, I connected my Fritzbox 7490 to my new Homey Pro 2023 with your APP.
The Fritzbox and 4 Fritz!Dect 301 were found, but I get no Data of it.
The Configuration of the APP says “Login successfiul”.

Hi, i just released update 0.9.15 - this should fix the default setting problem. please test it and check if the data update still does not work

since updated to 0.9.15 i get data of my 301 … thx

I recently installed a Fritz!Box router 7590. I have installed the app, created a user and was able to add the router in Homey. However I get no functionality of the router whatsoever and the information also doesn’t update. Ik can’t select the device as triggers nor as “then” device. Are my expectations wrong? I was hoping to have some acces through honey to e.g. switch WiFi on/off, get notifications when a device registers, or allow access to guest network etc….

Hi, did you configure the fritzbox bridge app in homey ?
you also need to enable fritzbox-data request for router related data ( is disabled by default )
setting the ip adresse instead of fritz.box seems to be more stable and is required in some situations.
the router device gives you some statistical data about the router ( current version, update available ).
after enabling fritzbox data, you should be able to use flow trigger for connecting/disconnecting devices - please keep in mind that all functionalities are done be polling request. so if you have a interval of 60 seconds, it can take up to 60 seconds til a connect/disconnect is detected - lower the interval if you need faster detection ( also, if connect and disconnect happen between the request, the system can’t detect these and nothing will be triggered )

Perfect, I had no clue I had to enable this in the Homey app (had everything enabled in router firmware) thanks :pray:t2:

Thank you for the app that is now working well.
I wanted to ask again about the call monitor. Is there any progress there, or is that stopped for now?

Hi, it’s still on my todo list but have not worked on it yet. Hope to find some time on my vacation for it but can’t give you time estimate