Help required with the FritzBox Call Monitor App

Hi Homey Community,

I have my Homey since 3 days and setup and first basic flows are done and working well.
What I dont get working is the FritzBox Call Monitor.

Who used that and can share experiences?

I activated the call monitor in the Fritz box and assigned the right IP Address in the Fritz App, left the port as default 1012.

I want simply to get notified on ANY incoming call. So defined a flow :
When : incoming call
Then :Mobile Message

Seems not to work. I also tried to speciify a specifc number. Same result. Fritz Box seems not to notify Homey about an incoming call.

Any idea?

Thanks upfront and Kind Regards,

Did you copy the phone book? And activated by the call monitor
dial #965 on one of your handsets

Works fine for me.

Hi Pim,

yes I activated the call monitor but did not copy the phone book as I wanted to get notified by ANY incoming cal so thought I dont need the phone book in the App but ok I can try this out.

Thanks !

I use the app and found out that after a reboot of the router, I have to restart the app in Homey. Otherwise it won’t work for me.

Thanks Walter for the fast feedback !



sorry, saw the post-date only after submitting the reply. I’ll try to speed up a little next time :slight_smile: