[APP][Pro] Flow Checker

I got you a coffee (or :beers:) for all your effort.

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Of course, I mean No.. But I guess it should be clear with the word “amount”, isn’t?
If it has to be realized with a “token” I don’t know, sorry.

Thanks a lot! Really appreciated!

@DirkG @Peter_Kawa
I’ll do both

So in the config app you get a overview
In the flows theres a token/variable with the amount


New app update (test: 1.3.0.):

  • NEW: add interval setting
  • NEW: Flow tokens (amount of flows)
  • NEW: Flows amount overview (in appsettings)


CC: @DirkG @Peter_Kawa

edit: I’ll add the all flows and all variables in a next update.


After removing 10 devices and fixing a lot of flows with an error mark I thought I was done, until I remembered I should use your app too. Your app helped me find three more flows with missing tags among a list of 500+ flows. That made me very very happy. Thanks! :smiley: :clap:t2:


Wow really nice @Edwin_D
Glad it helped :smiley:

Thanks a mil, Martijn!
Great to be able to view the no. of flows.
And the adjustable check-interval, set to 30mins, reduces the RAM useage big time, -/- 7.5MB :partying_face::+1::white_check_mark:


Mine dropped from 27mb usage to 13mb! Very good suggestion, and many thanks for Martijn to make it possible so quickly!


Awesome @Peter_Kawa!
The variable check is alway *10 of the normal interval.
I’ll probably tweak that in a next update to make it separate.


Thanks @UA84 :smiley:

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Yes, it is really really nice to be able to choose between the alert interval and RAM usage. Like, when I’m fiddling or troubleshooting, set the interval to 3mins, and when Homey’s just minding it’s business, the interval can be on a higher level.
The variable interval, for me, is fine this way, but a separate setting would be cool.

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New app update (test: 1.4.0.):


  • NEW: add interval setting
  • NEW: Flow tokens (amount of flows)
  • NEW: Flows amount overview (in appsettings)


  • NEW: Add all flows amount and all variables amount - Tokens
  • NEW: Add all flows amount and all variables amount - Overview (in appsettings)


CC: @DirkG


Great work, @martijnpoppen! :+1:t3:

What I don’t understand, after updating to v1.4.0 two flows with broken variables were shown. These flows are quite old and I haven’t made any changes (deleted variables) in the last days. So the two flows should have been displayed much earlier.
The last app update before updating to v1.4.0 was this morning, but these two flows wasn’t displayed as broken.

Indeed great work! thanks a lot!

It seems I have 458 flows and 173 vars… that’s a lot. Does it count the vars from better logic too?

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@DirkG Hmm that’s weird. No deleted devices or something? :thinking:

For now it’s only Homey natives Logic and Device variables.

My plan is to include the App variables too. (e.g. flow checker has app variables)

Better logic I have to check if that’s possible to include :wink:



Thanks again @martijnpoppen !
I got a similar thing like @DirkG

Right after update to 1.4.0:

Well, no clue if those were new or missed broken flows, and I didn’t edit a flow or var today, BUT

I’m 100% sure only “Chrono Test” was in my Broken Variable overview:

So it found 3 more broken vars somehow.

Will have a look at that @DirkG @Peter_Kawa