[APP][Pro] Flow Checker

Thanks for your great help!

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Hi Martijn,

040127e8-4284-43d5-b80c-0f8ed7ed6fd3 - do you see there anything please, I suddenly got few flows with broken variables but they are fine…

Eg. flow with name “Homey LED on/off adv” :

update Ah, I see it says Screensaver missing - but it’s not.

@Sharkys for what I can see: APIErrorTimeout: Timeout after 5000ms

So looks like some internal error in the app

Is reported as an error anyway, I had that too. I assume that during migration all 3rd party screensaver flow cards are automatically replaced by Athoms flow cards. You only need to change or replace the cards and then save the flow, after that the flows will no longer be detected as broken.

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Please see my comment on the screensaver… or it’s related ?

Thank you, problem is that some of the flows were created already on HP23 ;-( Also checked them and re-saved, didn’t help.

In that case I Will disable the screensaver check on HP23 as it probably causes issues.

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Could it even happen that screensaver is missing / using incorrect one on HP23 ? I just wonder, on HP19 that was different situation I guess. I’m just surprised I got it suddenly this morning first time.

@Sharkys it might be related to the api error timeout and therefore it wants to check the screensaver but it cant

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Hi Martijn, on my hp 2019 all flows in which I set the screensaver to “weather” are marked as broken variable. I’ve created a simple flow to test this

Please, this is the english forum.


@Jan_Albert Will check

Hi Martijn,

Pro 2019 v8.1.6
app v1.23.6

I noticed this possible bug a while ago already, here’s my FC overview:

All my flows are reported as broken, and there are more broken flows reported than ‘ALL Flows’ shows :thinking: :crazy_face:

The actual flows show their normal broken or not status:

As always, no hurries!

@Peter_Kawa yeah the broken check is broken :sweat_smile:

Athom made a change for webapi v3 and i tried to implement it last week but it gives massive memory issues.
Im waiting for a response from them

So the check right now does nothing so it will never fix itself thats why you see a wrong number there.

Hopefully a fix is available soon :crossed_fingers:


I see, thanks for the quick response!

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I suspect Athom is doing something with the API (or it’s firmware change) because for last 3 days I was getting notifications about disabled flows…today, I got first time ever on HP23 notification about broken variable and - it was correct ! @martijnpoppen , any news on that, have you seen something similar ? Btw I was on 1.22.2, testing now the 1.23.6

update back on 1.22.2 as with 1.23.6 all flows are marked as broken :wink:

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@Sharkys Not that i’m aware of. The isbroken check is still broken :stuck_out_tongue:
But working on it with Athom

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New app update (live: 1.24.2.):

1. NEW: isBroken check for Homey API v3

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Flow Checker - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

New app update (live: 1.25.0):

1. REVERT: isBroken check. crashing app on some homey versions

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Flow Checker - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

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Will investigate the issue with Athom :slight_smile:

Thanks all the zwave issues i had to exclude / include various aeotec smart switches

I use the in dozens of flows

This means that with all these flows cards are missing and show a “?” I think

Its 2023 so i think Athom should mark those flows !!! They did in older app versions ( think a ! Was shown at the flow with a missing card )


I installed flow checker to check for errors in my flows. But i do not see the flows with the missing cards show up ??

That is a flow with an error I supose.
So all those flows should be visible in the flow checker app … right ?