[APP][Pro] Flow Checker


I am now getting this message after installing

@Willie_Plompen can you restart the app and see if that resolves it

Now he’s got it working, but he only found an unused flow

@Willie_Plompen Can you send a diagnostic report?

Keep in mind that the full check only runs every 50 minutes.
You can force it with a flowcard if you want:

Next to that, homey Pro is not on final software yet, so it might be that there are some bugs as Homey and the WebApi both use RC software

Anyway, thank you in advance for all the effort. This is the number if that’s what you meant: ea428a23-9118-4588-a5dd-64ec6dcc2d97

@Willie_Plompen seems like an issue with HP23. I asked Athom for help as it is beta software :slight_smile:

Will come back on this

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thank you very much for all the effort and your quick response

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New app update (test: 1.21.3.):

1. NEW: update to Homey-Api v3 (RC11) (HP2023)

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Flow Checker - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the test version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this test version? Install the live version → Flow Checker App for Homey | Homey

@Willie_Plompen can you install this version (Flow Checker | Homey) and see if that works? (i reverted from RC20 to RC11, like it was before)

@martijnpoppen installed tested and sent diagnostics but still nothing changed

@Willie_Plompen nummer.
I already contacted Athom. Hopefully a update soon :slight_smile:


New app update (test: 1.21.5.):

1. NEW: update to Homey-Api v3 (RC21) (HP2023)

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Flow Checker - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the test version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this test version? Install the live version → Flow Checker App for Homey | Homey

@Willie_Plompen can you check :point_up: ? :smiley:

something is happening, now I have 23 unused logic variables
I have sent the report

Thanks @Willie_Plompen
I think we found the issue. Can you do one more thing for me? :smiley:

→ Restart the app and immediately send a report?

send :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Martijn i followed this thread, and saw this (picture) do we need to install rc21 or rc20?

@Robin_De_Lange you can only install RC20 :stuck_out_tongue: as thats the version i put in test.
RC21 has a bug