[APP][Pro] FACE++ Face Recognition for Homey

Yes indeed there now seems to be some incompatibility (again) with the latest HP2023 firmware. I will do as you suggest and wait for HP2023 to get to a more stable firmware before digging into this.

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My HP2016 was short on memory so I had to choose what app to run. Now my HP2023 has more then enough memory so I wanted to get this nice app up and running again :slight_smile:

I get an error

2023-04-05 21_11_42-Homey Developer Tools

@Gruijter Is this a know error? or HP2023 related

Any idea? What is causing this error. @Gruijter

Does Face++ works for anyone on HP2023 ?

@Gruijter ,seems that the error I posted above, is happening, because I don’t have Wifi enabled anymore, just Ethernet 

			const mac = networkInterfaces().wlan0 ? networkInterfaces().wlan0[0].mac : networkInterfaces().eth0[0].mac;
			this.outerID = `homey_${mac}`;
			const options = {
				key: apiKey,
				secret: apiSecret,
			this.FAPI = new FacePP(options);

While I’m not developer, this change seems is working for me
 need to do more tests but you probably well know already what to do if my updates are way out - Update app.js by shaarkys · Pull Request #20 · gruijter/com.gruijter.facepp · GitHub

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@Gruijter just FYI, seems it’s not working as it should yet

Not sure yet what exactly is wrong
 maybe outerID has not expected format

Maybe I have some time this weekend to dig into it. But if the weather is good I won’t :kissing_heart:


Thank you, I hope it will be raining (just kidding)

One additional observation, seems that there is similar issue reported with your other app 
 [APP][Pro] WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Facebook messenger - #209 by Ramon_Zuidgeest - not sure you were fixing it already or not. Also when searching for this error, seems Julian was addressing something similar in his app Telegram.

Hello @Gruijter ,

In the log of the Homey app the time is two hours earlyer then the real time. Do you know how i can fix that ? The time of my Homey is well right also the time of the camera

There is nothing to fix. The homey logs are always in UTC timecode. So in NL that is indeed a difference of 2 hours right now :wink:

Do you know if this is impacting only HP23 users? Would you guess maybe where might be this issue coming from? Happy to do some test, ifI would know where :slight_smile: Thx

Oké, thanks. I use the app several years now and never noticed it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Well, AFAIK at some point in time ( @ introduction of Homey Service/Premium/Cloud/Bridge), Athom changed the time settings to UTC for all Homey’s. Before that, local time was used, and therefore the logs used to have local tz timestamps.

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Not sure what I’m doing wrong, I have the correct API key but when adding a photo I keep getting an error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘detectFaces’)

What app version, what Homey version? Have you tried different photo’s and formats?

I will publish a new version that has improved HP2023 compatibility. Maybe that solves your issue.

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New version 2.0.2 that covers some HP2023 issues. However there is still a bug in HP2023 itself that prevents sending images from a flow.

  • jimp@0.22.7.
  • Partial fix Homey2023 compatibility

@wesley_w @Sharkys Can you please test this version and let me know?


Thank you for your update ! :wink:

Can this bug be tracked somewhere ? I didn’t know about that, that quite significant HP2023 flaw then ;-(((

Unfortunately still the same error for me - but is this due to the issue above ?

2023-04-26T11:59:40.640Z [err] [Homey:REDACTEDb82ed4326] [FaceApp] Error: Invalid App Event: getImageBuffer
    at Remote Process

  statusCode: 400

No. I dont have this error on my HP2023. Maybe you need to fully remove the app and re-install it? Or it could be firmware related. I’m on an alpha release that you do not have yet
 Edit: Homey Pro v10.0.0-rc.85 was just released as experimental. So you should be able to install the same firmware I am using.

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As far as I know all issues for HP2023 need to be reported on Slack. It would definitely help if more people can confirm the bug and report it here: Slack

You are installing from the app store right? You will get issues if you run it from command line in docker. If you do use CLI you need to install it using homey app run --remote.