[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

Hi @Tango_Oscar_Mike
It should show as first option in the tags. As part of “this flow”.

Small fyi, but the E340 seems to have some false positives every now and then, unless there are duplicates of my self walking by :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I got a question, my eufy door sensor keep saying they are open after i’ve closed them. I need to restart the eufy app on my Homey Pro and then it works again. How is this possible?

Thanks for the quick reply, Martijn!
Alright, understood! Strangely it does not show though

I also tried a new flow from scratch - same result.

Thanks also for the heads up on the false alarm! I plan to restrict this function to a couple of minutes timeframe additionally.

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@DiedeVW see FAQ Q1 [APP][Pro] Eufy Security - #4 by martijnpoppen - Apps - Homey Community Forum

@Tango_Oscar_Mike and you connected the cards ? It’s part of the person detected card, there’s a tag icon on it

Alright so for the device to update in Homey, i should make sure Push notifications are on? Because when i am home i dont always want a notification for my doors…

@DiedeVW yes correct, that’s how eufy works with 3rd parties

Of course I did not. Wanted to finish the “And” card before connecting everything! I knew it was me. Thanks Martijn, for your general support and patience!

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Glad it works now @Tango_Oscar_Mike :+1:

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@Luca_Lorenzi I checked with Athom.
So there’s a issue in the HP 2023 firmware where the device indicator gets resets if the capabilities are re-evaluated (something i do in Eufy Security).

They’ll make a fix for that. So once it’s there I’ll probably get notified and let you know :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much Martijn! Number 1 as usual :heart_eyes: :muscle:

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I have an issue recently with my Eufy Battery 1080P/2K doorbell where Homey does not receive doorbell press events/notifications even though it is set up in the Official Eufy app. I have removed the devices/Eufy app in Homey. Additionally, I have also removed/re-installed the doorbell and homebase in the Eufy app but without success.

Please find below printscreens of the current situation. Do you have an idea what I can do to resolve this?

First time user here, so hopefully my support request is in the right place :slight_smile:

I have the feeling it is because of the Deurbel Druk Gedetecteerd - uit indicator from Eufy Security. But I have no idea how to turn it back on:

The Uit indicator is just a device timeline which show what happened when. So that fist turn off is because fo the new device.

Looks like you enabled your notifications already.

So some things you might want to check:

  1. Restart the Eufy app in Homey - Can you send a diagnostic report after restart ?
  2. restart of Homey
  3. restart of your router (wouldnt be my first choice :stuck_out_tongue: )
  4. Make sure to not have any adblockers in your network
  1. Restarted multiple times, but just did it again. Please find the diagnostic report ID: 6dcfe357-95f3-4527-8069-2fbca313c98a
  2. Also done
  3. The doorbell does have connectivity. Also Homey can control devices from Eufy
  4. I don’t have this

Hi Martijn,

Why does the T8210 not support this function? I have the Homebase 3 and would like to experiment with the same function as Tango_oscar_Mike.

This doorbell also recognizes people, so I would think the function would be roughly the same as the Dual Doorbell.

@Abdullah_Rasool I don’t see any issues in the logs and the push notification service is started correctly.

Can you try to trigger motion or a person detection and see if that works?

@Harriespotter it does and should be part of the flowcard aswell :wink:

The flowcard is generic and based on the conencted device it will give back a name or Unkown

Okay, I found what I did wrong; I forgot to connect the Eufy card to the logic card.

One more question: Is this example correct?

@Harriespotter Seems correct. Make sure the names are the same as in your Eufy app :slight_smile: