[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

@martijnpoppen it was previously enabled. But I re-enabled it. I now have over 9 push notifications from Eufy within 4 minutes for movement. But zero coming from Homey. It’s just not coming through for some reason.

Nothing is registered from the camera inside Homey. Temperature remains empty, no snapshots or event images, no motion detected, nothing.

@Daan_Dagevos So there’s a difference in data.

  • temperature and battery come from the HTTP API.
  • Snapshots will show up once you triggered the snapshot card, otherwise it won’t
  • Event (images) will only come trough when a event occured like described in FAQ Q1. This goes via the push notification service.

Please restart the app and send a new diagnostic report after that

@martijnpoppen I’ve completely deleted the Homey Eufy Security app, and reinstalled it. Rebuild the basic flow:


Walked in front of the camera, got a “Motion detected” push notification from the phone-app, but nothing in Homey.

It says this (directly after re-install), and that’s it:

Diagnostic report: f91074b3-9e8d-4da1-88d6-491f964691cb

@Daan_Dagevos probably you need to repair the device, i see a 2FA request in the logs.

But a restart would have been better, now the logs is polluted with the new device :frowning_face:

@martijnpoppen ah okay, sorry. Thought this would make it easier, not harder :wink:
When you re-install the app and log-on you get the 2FA request.

I’ve repaired the device, which is results in another 2FA request. But still nothing :frowning:

Report: 12a08359-a191-4073-b632-7f0800caaa73

@Daan_Dagevos really strange, the report is looking perfect. Normally i would see issues with push notification service or something like that.

Are there any adblockers in your network like Pi-Hole?

Help… I had two ahonebase 2 devices and several cameras working in Honey. In one week bothe Homebases died.

I bought a Homebase 3, removed all devices from Honey, shared the HB3 with a seperate admin account, accepted the invitation… but I cannot add the HB3 in Homey. Keeps saying “loading” after I login.

@phusebox please send a diagnostic report

I did. Strangely it works after adding the cameras first.

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@martijnpoppen no adblockers (haven’t even heard of Pi-Hole before :sweat_smile:). It’s as if there’s simply nothing being send through from the device. The weird thing is that the connection seems to be ok the other way around, since I can change the status from Home to Away through Homey.

@Daan_Dagevos Yeah so that’s the 4th bullet :p. → that’s P2P. So in this case it’s really the push notifications which are not working.

Can you restart the app once more and send a new report?

@phusebox I see your log, you were hitting the API limit:

[EufyLibrary] [http] [HTTPApi.login] Login - Response code not ok {
  code: 26006,
  msg: 'api ip request limit',
  data: { code: 26006, msg: 'api ip request limit', data: null }

@martijnpoppen restarted the app. report: 0ca62478-9b96-4de3-b850-a7564fffec57

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 3.28.1):


1: NEW: Add loitering detection (only for supported models → S330)

1: None

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Security - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

@Daan_Dagevos report is still looking good. Have you tried restarting Homey?

@martijnpoppen you mean just unplugging it and then replugging it?

@Daan_Dagevos or use the button in the app, but yes :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Martijn, the status indicator of my new 2c and s220 cams are resetting to default automatically.
Please, can you help me?
Report: 6dd4c6a9-fe67-4dc6-af5c-0e8828b3c4f0

@Luca_Lorenzi already replied to you report,

but please specify when this occurs and what indicator you are using

It occurs randomly, but at least I’m sure that this happens every morning probably after my homey restart at 3.00 AM

The default indicator is the temperature, I set the battery one.