[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

Okay thanks. I will let you know tomorrow how it goes.

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@martijnpoppen thanks for the updates. Unfortunately, the app keeps crashing.
Please see: be220c69-61f8-4d83-9714-55ea85728ec4

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-03-04 om 16.26.21

@Sem already replied to your report.
But seems like something on your Homey is out off memory causing Eufy to crash

@martijnpoppen Event and snapshot images are send in realtime again. No more issues so far.


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@Heula nice! :tada:

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@martijnpoppen Thanks, it does not crash now, but only sends the eufy stock photo. Tried with 3 seconds delay between snapshot and sending, but makes no difference.

@Sem sorry but this is not clear.
What are you trying to do?

Take a snapshot and send it. I use Telegram app, but same with push notifications and whatsapp.

Please see: 87af2870-97c2-4cf3-9d92-c0197a1c93a8

@Sem did you enable the snapshot feature in the device settings?

Yes I did.

There was a Homey update I installed today, could that be it? 10.3.1

@Sem don’t think so
My guess is that you hit the rate limit of the snapshot service and it’s not allowing you to create more images


It seems like the external siren will be added to the library anytime soon ([Feature request]: Support for eufy Security Siren (105 dB Wireless Alarm; T8970) · Issue #448 · bropat/eufy-security-client · GitHub)!

Really great!

Once added, will you “automatically” add those devices, or do I need to do a request here as well?


Hey @Peter_Kalrsson
I requested a siren already, so once I have it I’ll contribute to the library aswell and then also add it to this app :wink:

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Well, thumbs up :slight_smile:


Hi @martijnpoppen

Unfortunately I have to report again that snapshot for my 2k doorbell does not work.
I noticed it yesterday but thought I might have reached my limit. That turns out not to be the case as it still doesn’t work today.
The picture remains black.

I will send a report when someone is at my front door, because that is probably of no use now, is it?

2024-03-06 09_25_39-Homey 2023 Alex en Astrid



snapshot is not connected to person detection. Probably it is in your flow, but you can trigger it anytime right. So make sure to create snapshot and then send a report.

you’re using cloud service?

@martijnpoppen Flow is not changed and worked two days ago fine after some other issues that you solved.
Flow runs fine when manually started. Outcome is the same.

For my doorbell I use cloudservice.

2024-03-06 12_55_07-Homey 2023 Alex en Astrid


@Heula your doorbell is connected to a HB2 right?

@martijnpoppen Homebase 3.

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@martijnpoppen Same here. Flow worked but not anymore. Snapshot stays on black or the stock photo. Tried downgrading the app and update again, but no difference. Restarting app and/or Homey didn’t help either.

Let me know if you need a report or something.

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-03-06 om 16.18.28
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-03-06 om 16.18.19