[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

@martijnpoppen - I get the same error message as @BananOve above.

Tried to enable it for my Eufy 2C Pro camera (Homebase 2).

Hmm looks like a config issue. Will check


@BananOve thats the same image you shared earlier right? :wink:

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 3.24.6):


1: NEW: Snapshots! :camera_flash:

1: FIX: improve processing of snapshot in Homey
2: FIX: HB3 increase snapshot stream for optimal images
3: FIX: Distorted images when making snapshot
4: FIX: S340 Vehicle detection
5: FIX: Snapshot server rate limit (allow 30 snapshots a day)
6: FIX: decrease crash reports (unkown device errors)
7: FIX: add notification about snapshots
8: FIX: settings error when enabling snapshots


Snapshots are now added to the APP.
To enable snapshots go to the device settings of your camera (in Homey) and enable the snapshot functionality. This will give you the Snapshot FlowCard

How does this work?
When Eufy starts a stream the Homey app receives the H264 Readablestream from Eufy. This is parsed to a Buffer and send to the external server Which runs FFMPEG. FFMPEG takes a snapshot and sends that back. Nothing is stored on the server a there’s no storage available there.

Flow Example:

:rotating_light: :exclamation: :rotating_light: NOTE:
The snapshot card will use a external service which runs FFMPEG to generate the snapshot.
This service is hosted by the developer of this app and is free to use.
The service will only be used when the snapshot settings is enabled.
All data is send encrypted and will not be stored on the server.

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Security - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

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@BananOve @Peter_Kalrsson fixed :point_up:

You can force install it by going here: Eufy Security App for Homey | Homey (click green install button)

I know, tried to upload a video… Sorry :rofl:
Want me to email it to you?

@BananOve not needed see my latest posts to you :stuck_out_tongue:

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Works like a charm!
Thank you for your awesome work, you make Homey worth buying! :heart:

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Agree - awesome work as always - SO appreciated!

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The snapshot was not that exciting though :joy:


@Peter_Kalrsson ah great. second time same?

what is your setup? made a fix for HB3 devices last week, but might be that that doesnt work properly


Tried again, same result.

Homebase 2 with Eufy 2C Pro cameras.

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Wow @martijnpoppen. The Snapshot feature just changed the game completely!!!
That is so awesome…
I’m sure you’ll have some running costs to run this service. Will this be subscriptionbased eventually?
Is there a threshold per user?


FYI - tried a snapshot with my Eufy Video Doorbell 2K as well - same result, not working.

@Yestond I put it on 30 snapshots per Homey. I hope not to put it on subscription based. Will check how it runs this month and how many traffic there is :slight_smile:


@Peter_Kalrsson guess i have to handle the HB2 different than HB3. Will have a look at that tonight :slight_smile:

Edit: my HB + 2c does work :exploding_head:

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@Peter_Kalrsson just to rule things out. Can you restart your HB2 and retry?

and if it still doesn’t work send a report :slight_smile:

Then i can maybe check the server, might be that the rate limiter already blocked you :stuck_out_tongue:

Had the same issue.
The reboot of HB2 worked for me.
Works like a charm. #gamechangerforeufy/homey #thanks

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I thought the same, so HB2 and Homey2023 restarted - unfortunately the same pic as before.

Diag: e783a9e8-faac-4bbf-a32e-44c77e91c47f

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I wish I could just read the entire posts sometimes :man_facepalming:

Would you be open to offer a subscription based service potentially?
The reason I’m asking is I’d like the snapshot to refresh every 2 minutes or so on 5 cameras, in order to use the snapshots in a surveillance dashboard :slight_smile:

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