[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

@ThoFlo this is something in your Eufy account. It just gives an error. Never saw that before. did you add the extra account as admin?

Not sure what you mean with co2. As far as i know Eufy doesn’t report that

@Heula you mentioned movement. Which snapshots are you referring to? The new functionality or the already existing one?

No, I meant my Homey gives push notifications from other services, like a CO2 sensor from Netatmo for example.

The secondary account is setup as follows:

@ThoFlo i would really suggest to create a new account and check if that works.

I do see the issue is reported at the library already. Will check that out. But from my side theres nothing I can do

Edit: reported it aswell Push notification registration fails · Issue #459 · bropat/eufy-security-client · GitHub

The new one.
I have disabled the old ones on Eufy and Eufy for Homey because it causes a huge delay on notifications and a lot of notifications that came in on Homey with thumbnail were old images.

So these new snapshots are a nice new option to send images about what is happening around my house without having to open Eufy all time.

Unfortunatly most images are messed up and also it seems to be missing a lot when I compare to what I see in the Eufy app itself.

Not sure if this is the same kind of issue I mentioned some time ago about wrong notifications in Homey about detected persons in Eufy itself.


@Heula can you please share your flow? I have a hard time understanding what you did

Also, please don’t run the snapshot command instead of the motion pictures. that is not why i build it :wink:
if everybody is going to to that I’m gonna need a lot of external servers :money_with_wings:

@Heula don’t run it like this. this will trigger the stream during the recording and probably wont work correct. Also you have the event images.

and the last release also had a fix for the delayed / old event images

Okay, not sure where the snapshots were ment for than but I changed it back to how it was before.

This should work now?
I just see a car driving by and no notification in Homey (Whatsapp) and there is a notification in Eufy.

See the difference In Eufy itself and what the S340 sees in Homey.

@Heula I did share it is a external service :wink: So there are costs involved. I will definitely put a rate limit on it now as I’m expecting more people will do that.

Do you get notifications at all? There are some issues with notifications at the moment

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Still not sure where it is ment for as an external service :woman_shrugging::man_facepalming:.

I get all movement notifications right in Eufy itself but there are lot of things missing in Homey as you can see above.
That was also the reason that I thought these snapshots were a solution for this issue.

I hope it makes sense now what I say :wink:.


@Heula I want to provide a snapshot feature for people. but next to that this app has quite a lot of users. Developing apps is a Hobby so I dont really want to make many costs for this. So that’s why.

no idea were i can see that.

I also had no idea it was a issue? nobody told me :stuck_out_tongue:

but what is the issue, because that’s still unclear
Edit, you edited your post…
will check

@heula So push notifications do work…
Only you’re missing the vehicle notifications it seems.

As i can’t see whats going on, please share a diagnostic report


I’m sure it is a hobby and you don’t want to make many costs but when are users aloud to use the snapshots option? That is what I like to know?

I think you are the most responsive hobby developer on the forum and most of the times you answer within minutes.
And that is really appreciated by me and I think all Eufy users on the forum.


@Heula you are allowed to take snapshots whenever you want. Only thing i’m saying is that the snapshot feature is not a replacement of the event snapshots feature. As that will trigger a lot of traffic on the server + the event feature already gives you a snapshot. (it should also work properly now)

I will put a rate limit on it to prevent misuse (not saying that you are doing that).
But let’s say if the doorbell rings you trigger a extra snapshot, of when you have a motion sensor you trigger a snapshot aswell, those kind of features might be nice.

I have to figure out how the server handles this, but I expect a lot of traffic if everybody triggers snapshots on every motion. So currently in testing phase. I really want to prevent any subscription kind of things and provide this a a feature to everybody :slight_smile:

I do see a error on the vehicledetection. This is in the undelrying library, i wil try to make a fix there and send it to the developer as well.

Thank you :smiling_face:


Could this also be related to the issue I mentioned here about person detection that is correct in Eufy itself but not in Homey?
This also still not going well, and it has worked fine before.


@Heula that’s a different issue. I’m looking at it, but didn’t found anything yet, also reported to the dev of the library :slight_smile:

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New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 3.24.3):


1: NEW: Snapshots! :camera_flash:

1: FIX: improve processing of snapshot in Homey
2: FIX: HB3 increase snapshot stream for optimal images
3: FIX: Distorted images when making snapshot
4: S340 Vehicle detection
5: Snapshot server rate limit (allow 30 snapshots a day)


Snapshots are now added to the APP.
To enable snapshots go to the device settings of your camera (in Homey) and enable the snapshot functionality. This will give you the Snapshot FlowCard

How does this work?
When Eufy starts a stream the Homey app receives the H264 Readablestream from Eufy. This is parsed to a Buffer and send to the external server Which runs FFMPEG. FFMPEG takes a snapshot and sends that back. Nothing is stored on the server a there’s no storage available there.

Flow Example:

:rotating_light: :exclamation: :rotating_light: NOTE:
The snapshot card will use a external service which runs FFMPEG to generate the snapshot.
This service is hosted by the developer of this app and is free to use.
The service will only be used when the snapshot card is enabled.
The service will not be used when the snapshot card is disabled. All data is send encrypted and will not be stored on the server.

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Security - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the test version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this test version? Install the live version → Eufy Security App for Homey | Homey


@Heula fix for distorted snapshot images :point_up: (the green images) and also a fix for the vehicle detection :crossed_fingers:

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