[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

Is it any good news on this?

@SunEast no, theres no progress at all on that. So i wont expect it to come back

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Hi Martijn,

How far are you guys with adding the new E330 pro camera’s?


Hi @Fred6
There’s no progress on that.
I’m waiting for the library i’m using to update before i can integrate them.
I expect somewhere next month

Great! Can’t wait! Want to trigger my outside lights with motion alarm from the camera. :ok_hand:

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Hi, I also installed this doorbell, also eager to see it added in Homey. Looking forward to it!

I have a Eufy indoor Pan & Tilt, which works stand-alone (no HomeBase needed). I CAN connect the camera to Homey but have never been able to see a live-image through Homey… Snapshot in a flow does not work either.

@Axel_Stuiver Eufy doesn’t support snapshots
See [APP][Pro] Eufy Security - #4 by martijnpoppen - Apps - Homey Community Forum Q1 and Q3

Ok. And what about live view?

@Axel_Stuiver Also not supported anymore due to patches on the Eufy side. See [APP][Pro] Eufy Security - #5 by martijnpoppen

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Hi, and thanks for the app :slight_smile:

Is it possible to get support for Eufy’s new groups? Or should one just use the group app?

@tiwas thx
Do you mean the i’m home and i’m leaving buttons?

Kind of. That’s what gave me the idea, but any kind of grouping would be great. I guess a lot of us will set all cameras in the same mode most of the time, so keeping flows “lighter” would be good.

@Tiwas actually that’s what the Homey app already can do you can call multiple cameras in one flow (with multiple cards) and it will behave the same as the grouping function Eufy provided.

Actaully the grouping in the Eufy app is really slow.

But grouping in the Eufy app in Homey, I’m not sure about that, it will create a lot of overhead and in the end it wont be any faster, it only saves you some flowcards :man_shrugging:

Ok. Thanks for replying. I already have a card for each in my flows, but I usually have at least one of the cameras not entering the correct mode - so I have to do a delayed check if the mode’s set and if not call the flow to set it, with a max of five retries. Kind of a bulky setup just to change modes :slight_smile:

@Tiwas that shouldnt be the case :stuck_out_tongue:
what kind of cameras are we talking about?

Indoor cam pan&tilt, one of the bullet cameras.

@Tiwas shouldn’t happen, but what might be a solution is to set a 3 second delay between each card. Because Homey has to connect to every cam indivudually it sometimes might get stuck.

A group solution wont fix that either as this is really a connection issue

what a disappointment!.. it was working just fine last year… but not this year…
Nothing is triggering

New to this. Having an Eufy camera, does that mean that it wont send push notifacitions? In my flow I have"When Doorbell rang" (that is Yale) “Then sound to Sonos (that works)” “AND send push to” but even with delay of 15 seconds I don’t get the latest image from Eufy (instead the push notification is the entry before the last one). Hope You understand - I don’t get the latest update from the camera even though I have set it to wait 15 seconds, the image I get is from the taking before the last time the motion trigger was triggered.