[APP][Pro] Eufy Clean


Thatā€™s a Homey error. restart of the app most of the times work.

You know that Home-Assistant is Python based ? So the TuyaApi which is used there is completely different than the one Homey uses.

Are Homey and your Robovac in the same network?
I recall that you had issues before with pairing the Robovac.

I donā€™t see any issues in your report. Only that Homey refuses to connect with your Robovac.

Hey all,

Iā€™m looking for someone with a Macbook and a Eufy Robovac.
If you have both and want to help out let me know in a DM :smiley:

Hi @Joyce_jahed
Please keep this thread in English.
As there are a lot of non-dutch speakers around here :wink:

I can help with getting the keys. Which robovac do you have?

I donā€™t have android and I canā€™t figure it out I canā€™t find anything about this

I got that. :stuck_out_tongue:

But as said. I can help :point_up:

I have a G10

Ok Iā€™ll DM you :slight_smile:

@martijnpoppen Hi. Iā€™m unable to use your guide to fetch the Device ID and Local key. The older apps does not let me connect (because the version is too old), and I have both tried ADB on Bluestack and phone, without getting any result (it finds Bluestack and phone, but it fetches 0 data/nothing happens).

I tried sharing my device, but when I tried to accept it, it said that it was not valid (canā€™t remember the exact error message). I declined the invitation, and then tried again, but it failed to send invite this time, as I got error message that account was in different data centersā€¦

Are you able to help me, possibly update the guide on this support forum as well? For me the guide was not detailed enough (missing info on how to run ADM, where to get it, what to expect etc. etc.), but after 1 hour of googling, I pieced it together, but sadly without any result.

  • I have a G30

Any help would be appriciated

Hey @larsern007
Can you share your Robovac with me?
I can have a look if I can find the keys for you.

About the ADB instructions I put them there as some users do want find it themselves. But most of the ones I do get manually for them.

Itā€™s still a tricky process and quite hard to explain. But letā€™s see if we can make the guide a bit better :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll DM you with my email address so you can share the robovac

First of all, thanks for helping me with setting up the robot in Homey.

Second: After upgrading to Homey 8, the robot does not report any data anymore. The device is not offline, but when you go to the details of the unit, it havenā€™t reported anything in 3 days (since I upgraded to version 8). As it does not report anything, my flows does not work either.

Is this an issue for other users as well, or just me?

Hey @larsern007
Strange. I would suggest a app restart or Homey restart
Had more people where the update to 8.01 caused some app issues.

I have restarted Homey, the app and my internet router multiple times, with no luck Im afraid. I have not upgraded Homey to 8.01 yet

Quick update: It suddenly worked now, after doing nothing. Hope it stays that way, and not being unstable

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Fingers crossed!

Hi, I just purchased the x8 hybrid, can you help me get the keys for this? Thank you :blush:

@OWA sure! Iā€™ll DM you with instructions :smiley:

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Hi Marti,
Wondering can you help me! I have a Eufy X8 and its amazing, as a dog owner I love it! Today for an unknown reason the wifi has become disconnected. I have tried all the router related trouble shooting recommended on the Eufy website, I have reset it and nothing is working. I also tried to add a new device and the temp Eufy wifi link does not appear in my wifi options which leads me to believe that the wifi connector is faulty somehow. Any advice? thanks in advance Ingrid

Hey @Ingr_G
Not sure if you are in the right place?
This forum is for Homey users and itā€™s not for Eufy Home.

I can only help you if you encounter issues with the Eufy Home app in Homey

Ah ok sorry didnt realise thank you!