I don’t know why you are unable to install the app, can you please contact athom and ask for details? I’m not able to see faults during the installation.
The app itself should work and is running on homey having that firmware.
Kind Regards
I don’t know why you are unable to install the app, can you please contact athom and ask for details? I’m not able to see faults during the installation.
The app itself should work and is running on homey having that firmware.
Kind Regards
@All users
There is still one user, that uses the Version 0.1.6 (with homey Version 2.0.5) and sends crash reports to me, can you please check, if you are on the newest version of the App? If not, please make an Update to the newest Version, since the Version 0.1.6 was the Issuemaker due to mispushed code to github!
Thanks in advance.
Which version of homey you have?
And which version of engima2 app?
I run the latest experimental and the version 0.1.7 of my app (when not testing new functions).
Only think I can imagine is that there is an issue with the German language that is allready supported via the enigma2 app. Can be that this prohibited the app from install, but only athom can check and tell about that.
since the new Homey update the enigma2 app is working…
Hi, I’m back thank you for the great app! Cheers
Thanks for the cudos and the Contribution!
Sadly the further enhancement needs more time, i was infected with a bad flu and tomorrow havin an operation on the hand, will see, when i can move forward.
@djesko @mazpo @Ben @Undertaker @WesM @B3rt @marcel_ridder @Kevin @Fiek
Can you all do me a favor? Please check if the lastest app version ( 0.1.7 ) is installed at your device? I still get one Crash report from a user every hour that still uses the defective 0.1.6 on an homey with firmware 2.0.5
If anybody of you have this version, please update! The newer Version is working fine, this was the version that was corrupted by wrong transfer to github!
First of all get well soon!
Already on 0.1.7 (via auto update)
App comes in real handy:
Using the app to turn on the radio and preferred channel for the cleaning lady when she arrives.
Question: when using the remote control code sent is it possible to add more than 1 control code? Currently I have separate cards that send 1 command each, with a 1 second delay to prevent reversed channel selection when sending a channel number. (12 ends up as 21 for example)
Not yet considered. But I can check if a channel input can be done via a separate card, shouldn’t be much code input.
Will check as soon as recovery is on a good way. Did you only need channel input?
Having more than 1 command in a card would probably prevent the commands arriving out of sequence. (Somehow homey does not execute the cards in the order they are visible) If for example it would be possible to enter commands via comma separation would be the most flexible option. Although a set to channel card would also work in my specific case as long as you give delay to other signals (like set to radio or tv)
Just to add: maybe it’s good to create a variable which contains the command delay when multiple commands are used within a card. If you need some testing done, I’m more than willing to help
I have 0.1.7 but also had a error that the application crashed
can you send out a report? not received any for version 0.1.7 would be interessting to see
for your info i’m out at least the next week. operation brought me 14 days out of order
I am new to Homey but not new to Enigma2. I tried this App with my Duo4K and Solo2. I entered IP and Port 80, web interface is enable and http is not password protected so opens web-if. My problem is that the button save configuration (“Konfiguration speichern” in German) is gray and nothing happens. I use latest App with updated Homey Pro.
Any ideas?
Hello Ralf,
If you exit the page and reenter it, what values are then displayed? If these are the values you entered, it should work.
If these are the default values again, can you provide me a picture of the button?
thanks you were right it is all there. I was confused about the missing feedback on the screen.
I will check if I can provide a feedback to avoid future confusements.
Thanks for the feedback, happy usage.
I just pushed a stable release to Athom for approval. After that I will check the device coverage possibility and new flowcards.
First Stable Release is approved and Published to the App Store. If you have findings, let me know!
Else i will continue the development for the App as more Flowcards will follow and the Device handling needs to be implemented.
hi everybody,
my goal is to build a flow, which
As far as i know steps 3. and 4 could not be done by the enigma app, but there are workarounds with webif/http calls, e. g http://BoxIPaddress/web/zap?sRef={servicereference. but how do i run/call a http site? do i need a seperate app?
kind regards
currently this is a bit tricky to do. As i only made Then Flowcards. So you need additional Triggers to fire the start of the box.
With the help of the following app, you should be able to do http requests directly to the box:
If you like to switch directly to a channel, you need to find out the service ID of the channel to be used, therefor you can call the following via your Browser:
This should bring you back a list of all Available Services from your Box, now search for your Channel and Copy and Paste the following line:
From this you need the Crypted numbers, and to tune to (in this example TLC) you need to call the following endpoint:
to make sure the : are correctly overhanded use HTML formated code this then looks like the following:
For more Information to the available codes you can also look over here:
When i’m ready to be able to implement the Device for the Boxes, then you should be able to Start and Stop the Box also directly via my App, but therefor i need time to recode everything.