[APP][Pro] Enhanced Device Widgets. Live 1.0.1, Test 1.0.2

Just tested the latest. The long sliders look good, but still won’t slide. It’s actually worse to operate than it was in the previous version.
Could I also suggest to make the slider a bit wider, not just longer?

I have tried, but my Samsung phone just ignored all the css to do that. I spent hours searching for a solution but found nothing. The thumb button on my iPad is now twice the size of the previous version.
However, I have no problem sliding it on my phone, so I don’t know why your tablet is not working.

The sliding is a problem on both my tablet and my phone (both android). It won’t move more than one or two percent in either direction.

I did add a bit to prevent accidental touches when scrolling the view up and down, so that has probably made it worse for you. I will keep looking for a solution to make the thumb button bigger on android, but it’s possible their webkit browser just blocks all that.

I think the current situation means you have to be very accurate when sliding to make sure you don’t move up or down, which I appreciate is not good.

By thumb button I assume you mean this:

You could be right, that I just can’t avoid pressing the areas around the butten while trying to slide, and therefore it stops. Even a child’s finger would find it impossible not to do so.

Adrian, you are the best, once again you have made a great app and it is also easy and understandable to use​:+1:t3::ok_hand:t4:

Thank you for your commitment

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I have found a way to make the thumb button bigger (the part you highlighted) on my Samsung phone, now trying to find a way to switch off the screen scrolling when the thumb becomes active so it keeps moving if you wander up or down while sliding it.

I just tried creating a new dashboard on my phone, with only one column and one widget. This eliminates screen scrolling in either direction. Makes noe difference for the functionality of the slider. Don’t know if that info is useful.

We are so lucky to have you in the community !Thanks for all your apps


It’s the vertical scrolling that causes the issue. As soon as your finger moves up or down the screen panning takes over and the slider looses focus.
I’m not a great fan of Apple stuff, but in the case the iPad is much better as once you grab the slider thumb, you can move you finger up and down the screen and it keeps hold of the thumb button.
I am trying to find a way to fight the Android OS to make this work the same way.

Ok, but does this apply even when everything already fits on the screen, and there is nowhere to scroll?

It seems it does. As soon as your finger moves up or down, the thumb button looses focus. What’s even mor annoying is the button stays where your finger came off it, but no event is fired, so it puts the control out of sync with the device. It seems Android have completely failed with the range control.

@Adrian_Rockall , Running v1.0.2 . Buttons that are “Push button”, does freeze in “On” position. If I force a stop of the Homey app, and open it again, the button will show “Off” status. Is it something you can do with this (Force refresh or something), or is it a Athom issue?

I guess you mean the toggle switches that turn things on and off?
Could you provide more information about the device you are using (Android phone, iPad, etc). Do they switch on OK and does the device respond to both on and off?

They are working for me on my Samsung phone and my iPad.

Android tablet and Phone, same behavior.

I am thinking about “push button”.
In the homey original tile: You push the button, it goes True/On, and it will return to False/Off right after.
In your Widget App:The button switches just fine to “On” and activates what it should activate. It just stays in the True/On position until I reopen the Homey app, then it is showing Off/false.

Buttons like this configuration (This is an example from a device made with DeviceCapabilities):

This is a example from the Balboa app made by Martijn, Manual refresh button that returns to Off after pushed to On:

Ah, I understand now. I will set up a test case for this and try to fix it.

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Why am I not able to create any widget?

I think a bit more information is required if you want an answer to that question.

There is a new test version.

The track is now thicker which gives a bit more space to move up and down, but I still can’t get Android to play nice as they seem to have disabled all the useful functions.

Fixes the button issue as it will now just be a press button and not a toggle.

@Adrian_Rockall ,

Now the button does nothing. The look have changed, but when i push on the “0”. Nothing happens.

Edit: Removed the device, added it again. All good! Great work :ok_hand: Would it be more logical that the background of the button would be grey, and not blue?