[APP][Pro][DEPRECATED] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra

@martijnpoppen the GTE does not seem to update anymore on version 1.6.0

Same for my Audi A3 hybrid, nothing is updated anymore since the last update. Before the update it worked fine

App restart does not make a difference

@Bug can you send a report?

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Probably this broke due to the password hash.

Can you try to edit the password and save the settings. That will hash the password with the new hash

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@martijnpoppen setting the password (to the same) made it work again. It is also showing the charging state in the buttons section as well now.
Great progress!!

I already found the problem. Unfortunately I cannot fix it because I’ll brick it again :stuck_out_tongue:
All password are hashed incorrectly now :confused:

Next update I’ll remove the temporary password hash change. Then it’s all synced

Hi. Just bought a VW E Up. Is it possible to become a tester of the app? :grinning:

same here, check!

edit: @martijnpoppen I said check, my values where updated after I updated the password, but starting charge does work

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@braekk go live of the app(s) is planned for 20-06-2022.
So almost ready ! :smiley:

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My car could not start charging because of not being parked properly

I send you a diag, maybe you can do something with the error/message if there’s info about it in the diag

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@zakraket no info in the request.
But I can create a error sensor which shows what is wrong

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would be very nice, I was assuming this was not working because of the 1.6.0 update, but coincidently I did not properly close the car last night; the Audi app showed this, but I try to use that as little as possible these days :wink:

IF errorsensor AND errormessage whatever condition THEN send push :ok_hand:

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My car is still not updating/charging though… :thinking:

Had to add the password again (like this morning), seems to work again now

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I actually had to erase the password and confirm it / save it - and then re-enter it - now it works…

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Sorry for the password hell guys :confused:

when we go live there’s no issue anymore.
(except for some users who have to install a different brand app)


Martijn with the new version, I get still pressed following buttons, is that normal please ? And yes, I don’t have ventilation nor climatisation running, it looks like it’s reversed :wink:

@sharkys looks like the buttons are connected somehow.
Will update!

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The values are not updated anymore with ID car and app version 1.6.0. Controls are not working either. Tried to remove the device and add it again. Diagnostic report e86420d7-a46d-4b2b-a13e-767a5013d8ba

@peltsi51 yeah correct, there was a issue introduced in 1.6.0 which bricked the updates due to a password hash. But I cant fix that as the password is hashed incorrectly

With 1.6.1 that should be fixed again, probably you have to re-enter the password in the device settings

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New app update (test: 1.6.1): (auto update only)


  • FIX: remove pasword hash changer
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