[APP][Pro] DataVista

Hi everyone,

I’ve recently started development on an app called DataVista for the Homey Pro. The app offers a gauge, percentage bar, label and toggle switch for your dashboards. In the future, additional widgets will be added to display more data though other visualizations.

Take a look at the documentation for more details!



It looks nice

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Hi. Love that you are making a gauge widget.
I just have an opinion about the design, and it’s that I don’t think the almost completely circular design is the best way to go. It forces the widget to be square, and therefore it will take up unnecessarily large space on the dashboard. This is the same reason I use the digital clock widget, and not the classic clock widget.

Something like this is in my opinion a better design:

Of course, this is your call, but something to think about. Ideally you can do both, so people can choose


Thanks for the feedback @Torbjorn_Melbye! Your feedback is well-substantiated. I’ll look into making this (along with the widget height) configurable.

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@Torbjorn_Melbye I’ve decided to switch all the gauges to half-circles for now, as your arguments were very convincing. I’ll consider adding a configurable option for this in the future.

For the needle-free style, this would be the widget’s design:

The widget with the needle is slightly higher to prevent the text from overlapping with the needle:

The app was rejected due to some minor (but deserved) feedback that I needed to address, so I’m now awaiting a new review. After that, the first beta version will be released.


Very nice. I’m curious…is the background color configurable?

Currently not. The background is transparent, so it currently depends on your Homey app display configuration (light, dark, system).

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That’s what I was hoping for.

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The text colour will automatically adjust according to the theme?

@Dirk_vdM Correct!

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The beta is live!

The beta version has been approved and is now available in the test channel. Please note that this build is still unstable until the first live version is released. Breaking changes may occur, and any updates will be posted here, so be sure to keep an eye on this topic.


  • On slow devices, selecting a datasource for the simple gauge could take some time to render the list, so be patient.
  • For advanced gauges, configuring the datasource is done via a flow (that needs to make a first run first before you can select it).
  • For advanced gauges, configuring the configsource is done either via a flow (that needs to make a first run first before you can select it), or via the app settings, under “Visualization - Gauges”.
  • I’ll update the first post later today with a more detailed explanation.

Happy testing and I would love to hear your feedback.

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@Erikvl87 Really nice app!

I saw your comment:

But can you make the widget really transparent? Athom added that option for widgets :smiley:
add: "transparent": true in the widget.compose.json.

Not sure if you want to, but might be nice :slight_smile:

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Very nice. I noticed one thing when selecting my data source. The search is for capabilities, so when I search energy, the list is still very long since a lot of devices has this capability. Maybe make it possible to search for the device name?

Also, it would be nice to be able to define spectrums for the different colors of the guage. For instance 0-200=green, 201-500=orange, 501-1000=red

I must’ve missed that option! That would indeed be awesome. I’ll probably implement this in the next version. Since it’s a widget.compose.json setting, I am unable to make this configurable with a default implementation. I may need to make an additional setting to manually bring back the (default?) container if there’s enough interest in having this as well.

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@Torbjorn_Melbye You’re already able to if you use the advanced gauge. Check-out the action cards for the DataVista app.

Ive experienced the same inconvenience regarding search. l’ll try to improve the search capabilities in the next version.

Oh, must have missed that then. Thanks :+1:t2:

@Erikvl87 yeah only Height is configurable from code. But the transparent option is part of the compose indeed.

Maybe Athom could add this option. :stuck_out_tongue:

On my phone it’s only full width now? Can you add the option to make it 1x1 or different sizes via a setting?

Hi @Dirk_vdM, could you explain in a few more words what you’re looking for? It is my understanding there’s not a default 1x1 (or any other) size, and on a phone each widget is always full width. Or are you looking for just square (1:1) variant?

the first widget can have 3 items, the gauge only 1.